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A Stitch in Time Saves Nine: Redressing a (Dis)Service to Advertising
Journal of Advertising ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-16 , DOI: 10.1080/00913367.2022.2043796
Jonathan Ross Gilbert 1 , Marla Royne Stafford 2


Services and economic growth are inseparably connected in developed economies. However, digitally enabled transactions continue to transform how services are conceptualized, produced, and delivered around the world. These changes blur the lines between goods and services by creating new combinations of products that call into question fundamental generalizations of the traditional services advertising paradigm. To redress this flaw and regenerate interest in an underexploited research domain, this article (1) introduces a literature-based generalized framework for services advertising and (2) provides a future research agenda for reengaging academicians and practitioners. Although the theoretical basis for services advertising received attention soon after the concept of services marketing was born, it peaked between 1996 and 2005, before waning over the past 15 years. The diminution of empirical attention to this important topic was due, in part, to an overreliance on the traditional goods/services distinction, the lack of an agreed-upon definition, and the theory–practice gap in service-based marketing. Resurrection of this critically needed research will allow new advertising strategies to be developed that will enhance both theory testing and practitioner needs.




在发达经济体,服务业和经济增长密不可分。然而,数字化交易继续改​​变着服务在全球范围内的概念化、生产和交付方式。这些变化通过创建新的产品组合来模糊商品和服务之间的界限,从而质疑传统服务广告范式的基本概括。为了纠正这一缺陷并重新激发对未充分开发的研究领域的兴趣,本文 (1) 介绍了一个基于文献的服务广告通用框架,以及 (2) 为重新吸引学者和从业者提供了未来的研究议程。虽然服务广告的理论基础在服务营销概念诞生后不久就受到关注,但在 1996 年至 2005 年间达到顶峰,在过去 15 年减弱之前。对这一重要主题的实证关注减少的部分原因是过度依赖传统的商品/服务区分、缺乏一致同意的定义以及基于服务的营销中的理论-实践差距。这项急需的研究的复兴将允许开发新的广告策略,从而增强理论测试和从业者的需求。
