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Indifferent to difference? Understanding the unequal impacts of farming technologies among smallholders. A review
Agronomy for Sustainable Development ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s13593-022-00768-6
Eva S. Thuijsman , Harmen J. den Braber , Jens A. Andersson , Katrien Descheemaeker , Frédéric Baudron , Santiago López-Ridaura , Bernard Vanlauwe , Ken E. Giller

With many of the world’s poor engaged in agriculture, agricultural development programmes often aim to improve livelihoods through improved farming practices. Research on the impacts of agricultural technology interventions is dominated by comparisons of adopters and non-adopters. By contrast, in this literature study, we critically review how technology evaluation studies assess differentiated impacts in smallholder farming communities. We searched systematically for studies which present agricultural technology impacts disaggregated for poor and relatively better-off users (adopters). The major findings of our systematic review are as follows: (1) The number of studies that assessed impact differentiation was startlingly small: we were able to identify only 85, among which only 24 presented empirical findings. (2) These studies confirm an expected trend: absolute benefits are larger for the better-off, and large relative benefits among the poor are mostly due to meagre baseline performance. (3) Households are primarily considered as independent entities, rather than as connected with others directly or indirectly, via markets or common resource pools. (4) Explanations for impact differentiation are mainly sought in existing distributions of structural household characteristics. We collated the explanations provided in the selected studies across a nested hierarchy: the field, the farm or household, and households interacting at the farming system level. We also consider impact differentiation over time. With this, we provide a structured overview of potential drivers of differentiation, to guide future research for development towards explicitly recognizing the poor among the poor, acknowledging unequal impacts, aiming to avoid negative consequences, and mitigating them where they occur.



由于世界上许多穷人从事农业,农业发展计划往往旨在通过改进耕作方式来改善生计。对农业技术干预影响的研究主要是对采用者和非采用者的比较。相比之下,在本文献研究中,我们批判性地回顾了技术评估研究如何评估小农农业社区的差异化影响。我们系统地搜索了针对贫困和相对富裕的用户(采用者)分类的农业技术影响的研究。我们系统评价的主要发现如下: (1) 评估影响差异的研究数量少得惊人:我们只能确定 85 项,其中只有 24 项提出了实证研究结果。(2) 这些研究证实了一个预期趋势:富人的绝对收益更大,而穷人的相对收益大主要是由于基线绩效不佳。(3) 家庭主要被视为独立实体,而不是通过市场或公共资源池直接或间接与他人联系。(4) 影响差异的解释主要在现有的结构性住户特征分布中寻找。我们在嵌套层次结构中整理了所选研究中提供的解释:田地、农场或家庭,以及在农业系统层面互动的家庭。我们还考虑随着时间的推移影响差异化。有了这个,我们提供了差异化潜在驱动因素的结构化概述,
