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Right-wing populist affective governing: a frame analysis of Austrian parliamentary debates on migration
Patterns of Prejudice ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-17 , DOI: 10.1080/0031322x.2021.2014089
Daniel Thiele , Birgit Sauer , Otto Penz


In the aftermath of the ‘summer of migration’ of 2015, right-wing populist discourses became increasingly commonplace. This article by Thiele, Sauer and Penz investigates the resurgence of nativist and anti-migration attitudes in Austria by focusing on parliamentary debates between 2015 and 2019 concerned with migration, asylum policies and integration measures. Their theoretical approach builds first on Cas Mudde’s conception of right-wing populism—which proceeds from the premise of corrupt ‘elites’ and threatening Others—and then combines it with theories on the politics of emotion and affects. By employing a critical affective frame analysis, the study examines how right-wing populist arguments by political actors are always intertwined with affects, like anger, fear and hope, in order to mobilize followers and voters. They regard these connections as governing strategy aiming at right-wing exclusion, a mode of governing through affects, which tends to change the affective atmosphere in Austria, that is, what is conceivable, speakable and feelable with regard to migration and refugees. As it turns out, not only the notorious Freedom Party (FPÖ) (with a longstanding far-right tradition) but also the refurbished People’s Party (ÖVP) under their new leader Sebastian Kurz, draw on discourses that are exclusionary as well as affective, encouraging the Austrian population rather to fear migrants and to feel anger, in order to mobilize them against threatening ‘migration waves’ and ‘illegal immigration’.




在 2015 年“移民之夏”之后,右翼民粹主义话语变得越来越普遍。Thiele、Sauer 和 Penz 撰写的这篇文章通过关注 2015 年至 2019 年间有关移民、庇护政策和融合措施的议会辩论,调查了奥地利本土主义和反移民态度的复苏。他们的理论方法首先建立在卡斯穆德的右翼民粹主义概念之上——从腐败的“精英”和威胁他人的前提出发——然后将其与情感和情感政治理论相结合。通过采用批判性情感框架分析,该研究检验了政治行为者的右翼民粹主义论点如何始终与愤怒、恐惧和希望等情感交织在一起,以动员追随者和选民。他们将这些联系视为针对右翼排斥的治理策略,一种通过情感来治理的模式,这往往会改变奥地利的情感氛围,即关于移民和难民的可以想象、可以说和可以感受的东西。事实证明,不仅臭名昭著的自由党(FPÖ)(具有长期的极右翼传统),而且在其新领导人塞巴斯蒂安·库尔兹(Sebastian Kurz)领导下的翻新人民党(ÖVP),都利用了排他性和情感性的话语,鼓励奥地利民众宁愿害怕移民并感到愤怒,以动员他们反对威胁性的“移民潮”和“非法移民”。关于移民和难民,什么是可以想象的、可以说的和可以感觉到的。事实证明,不仅臭名昭著的自由党(FPÖ)(具有长期的极右翼传统),而且在其新领导人塞巴斯蒂安·库尔兹(Sebastian Kurz)领导下的翻新人民党(ÖVP),都利用了排他性和情感性的话语,鼓励奥地利民众宁愿害怕移民并感到愤怒,以动员他们反对威胁性的“移民潮”和“非法移民”。关于移民和难民,什么是可以想象的、可以说的和可以感觉到的。事实证明,不仅臭名昭著的自由党(FPÖ)(具有长期的极右翼传统),而且在其新领导人塞巴斯蒂安·库尔兹(Sebastian Kurz)领导下的翻新人民党(ÖVP),都利用了排他性和情感性的话语,鼓励奥地利民众宁愿害怕移民并感到愤怒,以动员他们反对威胁性的“移民潮”和“非法移民”。
