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Material Composition, Provenances, and Geodynamic Settings of the Accumulation of Cretaceous Deposits in the West Sakhalin Terrane
Lithology and Mineral Resources ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-14 , DOI: 10.1134/s0024490222030051
A. I. Malinovsky


The results of studying the material composition of sandy rocks in Cretaceous deposits of the West Sakhalin Terrane are considered. Studies were carried out to reconstruct the paleogeodynamic environment of rock deposition in the terrane, as well as to determine the tectonic type and rock composition in the feeding sources (hereafter, provenances). Based on the mineral-geochemical parameters, sandstones in the terrane correspond to graywackes representing deposits of the petrogenic or first redeposition cycle (“first cycle”). Their detrital part includes products of the destruction of both basic–ultrabasic volcanic rocks and granite-metamorphic rocks. The deposits are characterized by a low degree of maturity of the clastic material formed mainly due to the mechanical destruction of rocks in provenances, weak lithodynamic processing of the material, and high rate of its burial. Paleogeodynamic interpretation of the obtained data was based on their comparison with the composition of ancient rocks and modern sediments accumulated in known geodynamic situations. The results obtained indicate that sediments were accumulated in the Cretaceous along the continent–ocean boundary in a basin associated with large-scale left-sided transform slips of the Izanagi Plate relative to the Eurasian continent. The provenance, which supplied the clastic material to this basin, combined the sialic land (granite-metamorphic and sedimentary rocks), a mature deeply dissected ensialic island arc, as well as fragments of the Sikhote-Alin accretion prisms formed with the participation of ophiolites.




考虑了研究西库页岛地体白垩纪沉积物中砂岩物质组成的结果。进行了研究以重建地体中岩石沉积的古地球动力学环境,以及确定供给源(以下简称物源)中的构造类型和岩石成分。根据矿物地球化学参数,地体中的砂岩对应于灰瓦,代表成岩作用或第一个再沉积旋回(“第一个旋回”)的沉积物。它们的碎屑部分包括基性-超基性火山岩和花岗岩-变质岩破坏的产物。这些沉积物的特点是形成的碎屑物质的成熟度较低,主要是由于物源中岩石的机械破坏,物质的岩动力作用较弱,埋藏率高。所获得数据的古地球动力学解释是基于它们与在已知地球动力学情况下积累的古代岩石和现代沉积物组成的比较。所得结果表明,白垩纪沉积物堆积在与伊邪那岐板块相对于欧亚大陆的大规模左侧转换滑动相关的盆地中,沿大陆-海洋边界。为该盆地提供碎屑物质的物源结合了唾液质土地(花岗岩-变质岩和沉积岩)、成熟的深度解剖的埃西亚岛弧,以及在蛇绿岩参与下形成的 Sikhote-Alin 增生棱柱的碎片. 所获得数据的古地球动力学解释是基于它们与在已知地球动力学情况下积累的古代岩石和现代沉积物组成的比较。所得结果表明,白垩纪沉积物堆积在与伊邪那岐板块相对于欧亚大陆的大规模左侧转换滑动相关的盆地中,沿大陆-海洋边界。为该盆地提供碎屑物质的物源结合了唾液质土地(花岗岩-变质岩和沉积岩)、成熟的深度解剖的埃西亚岛弧,以及在蛇绿岩参与下形成的 Sikhote-Alin 增生棱柱的碎片. 所获得数据的古地球动力学解释是基于它们与在已知地球动力学情况下积累的古代岩石和现代沉积物组成的比较。所得结果表明,白垩纪沉积物堆积在与伊邪那岐板块相对于欧亚大陆的大规模左侧转换滑动相关的盆地中,沿大陆-海洋边界。为该盆地提供碎屑物质的物源结合了唾液质土地(花岗岩-变质岩和沉积岩)、成熟的深度解剖的埃西亚岛弧,以及在蛇绿岩参与下形成的 Sikhote-Alin 增生棱柱的碎片. 所得结果表明,白垩纪沉积物堆积在与伊邪那岐板块相对于欧亚大陆的大规模左侧转换滑动相关的盆地中,沿大陆-海洋边界。为该盆地提供碎屑物质的物源结合了唾液质土地(花岗岩-变质岩和沉积岩)、成熟的深度解剖的埃西亚岛弧,以及在蛇绿岩参与下形成的 Sikhote-Alin 增生棱柱的碎片. 所得结果表明,白垩纪沉积物堆积在与伊邪那岐板块相对于欧亚大陆的大规模左侧转换滑动相关的盆地中,沿大陆-海洋边界。为该盆地提供碎屑物质的物源结合了唾液质土地(花岗岩-变质岩和沉积岩)、成熟的深度解剖的埃西亚岛弧,以及在蛇绿岩参与下形成的 Sikhote-Alin 增生棱柱的碎片.
