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Potential of Legumes Species Submitted to Phosphate Fertilization Levels: Morphological, Productive and Chemical Characteristics
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-13 , DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2022.2071928
Daniele de Jesus Ferreira 1 , Nádylla Dannuse Rodrigues de Almeida 1 , Anderson de Moura Zanine 1 , Henrique Nunes Parente 1 , Michelle de Oliveira Maia Parente 1 , Ricardo Martins Araújo Pinho 2 , Edson Mauro Santos 3 , Thiago Vinícus Costa Nascimento 1 , Anny Graycy Vasconcelos de Oliveira Lima 1 , Alexandre Fernandes Perazzo 1 , Ygor Nascimento Portela 1 , Danrley Martins Bandeira 1


The objective was to evaluate the morphological, productive and chemical characteristics of Crotalarias juncea, spectabilis and ochroleuca, and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) submitted to phosphate fertilization levels. The experimental design used was completely randomized in a 4 × 4 factorial scheme, with four doses of phosphorus (0, 100, 200, 300 kg ha−1 of P2O5) and four legume cultivars (Crotalaria juncea, Crotalaria spectabilis, Crotalaria ochroleucaanda and Cajanus cajan), with four repetitions. There was no interaction between the levels of phosphate fertilizer and the legume species for the productive characteristics studied. There was a positive linear effect for leaf dry matter production, stem dry matter production and total dry matter production as a function of phosphate fertilization. There was a positive linear effect for the levels of leaf crude protein, with enhanced levels of phosphorus. There was greater fertilizer efficiency in legumes, at a dose of 100 kg ha−1, with a response of 11.46 kg ha−1 for leaf dry matter production and 33.40 kg ha−1 for total dry matter production. Among legumes, Crotalaria spectabilis is recommended due to the higher total dry matter and leaf productivity, greater number of nodules, and better chemical composition and digestibility.




目的是评估施用磷酸盐施肥水平的猪屎豆、spectabilisochroleuca以及木豆 ( Cajanus cajan )的形态、生产和化学特性。所使用的实验设计在 4 × 4 因子方案中完全随机化,有四个剂量的磷(0、100、200、300 kg ha -1的 P 2 O 5)和四个豆科植物品种(Crotalaria juncea、Crotalaria spectabilis、Crotalaria ochroleucaandaCajanus cajan),重复四次。对于所研究的生产特性,磷肥水平与豆科植物物种之间没有相互作用。作为磷酸盐施肥的函数,叶片干物质产量、茎干物质产量和总干物质产量呈正线性效应。叶粗蛋白水平呈正线性效应,磷水平升高。豆科植物的肥料效率更高,剂量为 100 kg ha -1时,叶片干物质产量为 11.46 kg ha -1,总干物质产量为33.40 kg ha -1 。在豆类中,猪笼草由于总干物质和叶片生产力更高、根瘤数量更多以及化学成分和消化率更好,因此推荐使用。
