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Nutritive Value of Wheat Bran Diets Supplemented With Fresh Carrots and Wet Brewers' Grains in Yellow Mealworm.
Journal of Insect Science ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-01 , DOI: 10.1093/jisesa/ieac022
B Fasce 1 , L Ródenas 2 , M C López 2 , V J Moya 2 , J J Pascual 2 , M Cambra-López 2

We evaluated the effect of supplementation of a wheat bran (WB) diet with fresh carrots (FC) or wet brewer's grains (WBG) on the growth performance and chemical composition of Tenebrio molitor larvae. Additionally, a digestibility trial was performed to determine the nutritional value of the raw materials used. The control diet was based on WB-only. Two other diets were formulated in which WB was supplemented with FC (FC diet) or with WBG (WBG diet). The experiment was conducted in trays (12 per treatment) and lasted 90 d. Larval weight, feed intake, and excreted feces were controlled in each tray the experiment. The digestibility trial was performed from 48 to 62 d post-hatch. Results showed digestibility coefficients of ashes, crude protein, and gross energy were significantly higher in FC diet compared with the other diets. Consequently, both digestible energy (DE) and digestible protein (DP) contents of FC were also significantly higher than those obtained for WB and WBG diets (on av. +1.12 megajoule [MJ] DE and +9.15 g DP per kg dry matter [DM]; P < 0.003). Mealworms fed FC diet showed significantly higher final weight and average daily gain than those fed the WBG diet (+12.4%), being higher in WBG than in WB diet (+3.5%). Dietary treatment did not affect DM, ashes, ether extract, and crude protein content of mealworms obtained. Some dietary effects on amino acid and fatty acid composition were observed. This study provides novel data and a unique experimental approach to assess the nutritional value of raw materials in mealworms.



我们评估了在麦麸 (WB) 饮食中添加新鲜胡萝卜 (FC) 或湿啤酒谷物 (WBG) 对黄粉虫幼虫生长性能和化学成分的影响。此外,还进行了消化率试验以确定所用原材料的营养价值。对照饮食仅基于WB。制定了另外两种饮食,其中 WB 补充有 FC(FC 饮食)或 WBG(WBG 饮食)。实验在托盘中进行(每个处理 12 个)并持续 90 天。在实验的每个托盘中控制幼虫重量、采食量和排泄的粪便。消化率试验在孵化后 48 至 62 天进行。结果表明,与其他日粮相比,FC日粮的灰分、粗蛋白和总能量的消化系数显着升高。最后,FC 的可消化能 (DE) 和可消化蛋白质 (DP) 含量也显着高于 WB 和 WBG 日粮(平均每千克干物质 [DM] +1.12 兆焦耳 [MJ] DE 和 +9.15 g DP) ; P < 0.003)。饲喂 FC 日粮的粉虫的最终体重和平均日增重显着高于饲喂 WBG 日粮(+12.4%),WBG 高于 WB 日粮(+3.5%)。膳食处理不影响获得的粉虫的 DM、灰分、乙醚提取物和粗蛋白含量。观察到一些饮食对氨基酸和脂肪酸组成的影响。这项研究提供了新的数据和独特的实验方法来评估粉虫原料的营养价值。+1.12 兆焦耳 [MJ] DE 和 +9.15 g DP 每公斤干物质 [DM];P < 0.003)。饲喂 FC 日粮的粉虫的最终体重和平均日增重显着高于饲喂 WBG 日粮(+12.4%),WBG 高于 WB 日粮(+3.5%)。膳食处理不影响获得的粉虫的 DM、灰分、乙醚提取物和粗蛋白含量。观察到一些饮食对氨基酸和脂肪酸组成的影响。这项研究提供了新的数据和独特的实验方法来评估粉虫原料的营养价值。+1.12 兆焦耳 [MJ] DE 和 +9.15 g DP 每公斤干物质 [DM];P < 0.003)。饲喂 FC 日粮的粉虫的最终体重和平均日增重显着高于饲喂 WBG 日粮(+12.4%),WBG 高于 WB 日粮(+3.5%)。膳食处理不影响获得的粉虫的 DM、灰分、乙醚提取物和粗蛋白含量。观察到一些饮食对氨基酸和脂肪酸组成的影响。这项研究提供了新的数据和独特的实验方法来评估粉虫原料的营养价值。得到黄粉虫的乙醚提取物和粗蛋白含量。观察到一些饮食对氨基酸和脂肪酸组成的影响。这项研究提供了新的数据和独特的实验方法来评估粉虫原料的营养价值。得到黄粉虫的乙醚提取物和粗蛋白含量。观察到一些饮食对氨基酸和脂肪酸组成的影响。这项研究提供了新的数据和独特的实验方法来评估粉虫原料的营养价值。