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Parafoveal orthographic processing in bilingual reading
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-12 , DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2022.2073786
Fengjiao Cong 1 , Baoguo Chen 1


Reading is a very complex task in which readers obtain information to promote reading from not only the fixated word located in the foveal area but also non-fixated words located in the parafoveal area. We aimed to investigate the second language (L2) parafoveal orthographic (letter identity and letter position) processing mechanism adopting the eye-tracking technique and boundary paradigm. We set up four previews for each target: (1) the identity preview (e.g. reporter → reporter), (2) the transposed-letter preview (e.g. repotrer → reporter), (3) the substituted-letter condition (e.g. repokcer → reporter), and (4) the unrelated preview (e.g. chemaful → reporter). There are three main findings. First, L2 readers could extract and utilize the parafoveal orthographic information shared by the preview and the target to affect the late L2 processing stage. Second, when there was only a small difference between the preview and the target, L2 readers did not notice the subtle difference in the parafovea. Third, the identity and position of an internal single letter have little effect on L2 reading compared with the similarity of the whole word in the parafoveal area. Future L2 reading frameworks should be developed to explain these new findings.




阅读是一项非常复杂的任务,阅读者不仅要从位于中央凹区域的固定单词,还要从位于中心凹区域的非固定单词中获取信息以促进阅读。我们旨在研究采用眼球追踪技术和边界范式的第二语言 (L2) 中心凹正字法(字母标识和字母位置)处理机制。我们为每个目标设置了四个预览:(1)身份预览(例如reporter→reporter),(2)转置字母预览(例如repotrer→reporter),(3)替换字母条件(例如repoccer→reporter) ),和 (4) 不相关的预览(例如 chemaful → 记者)。有三个主要发现。第一的,L2阅读器可以提取和利用预览和目标共享的parafoveal正交信息来影响L2处理的后期阶段。其次,当预览和目标之间只有很小的差异时,L2 读者并没有注意到副中央凹的细微差别。第三,与旁中央凹区域的整个单词的相似度相比,内部单个字母的身份和位置对二语阅读的影响很小。应该开发未来的 L2 阅读框架来解释这些新发现。与旁中央凹区域整个单词的相似度相比,内部单个字母的身份和位置对二语阅读的影响很小。应该开发未来的 L2 阅读框架来解释这些新发现。与旁中央凹区域整个单词的相似度相比,内部单个字母的身份和位置对二语阅读的影响很小。应该开发未来的 L2 阅读框架来解释这些新发现。
