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Correction to: Occupational Physical Activity and New-Onset Hypertension: A Nationwide Cohort Study in China
Hypertension ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-11 , DOI: 10.1161/hyp.0000000000000213

In the article by Li et al, “Occupational Physical Activity and New-Onset Hypertension: A Nationwide Cohort Study in China,” which published in the July 2021 issue

(Hypertension.2021;78:220–229. doi:/10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.121.17281), a correction was needed.

An error was made in transcription and did not affect the data analyses and results as presented in the article. The correction has been applied in the Abstract and Results sections: During a median of 8.0 years (82,410 person-years) of follow-up, a total of 2949 participants developed hypertension.

This correction has been made to the current online version of the article, which is available at

