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Examining the role of context in statistical literacy outcomes using an isomorphic assessment instrument
arXiv - STAT - Other Statistics Pub Date : 2022-05-11 , DOI: arxiv-2205.05608
Sayali Phadke, Matthew D Beckman, Kari Lock Morgan

The central role of statistical literacy has been discussed extensively, emphasizing its importance as a learning outcome and in promoting a citizenry capable of interacting with the world in an informed and critical manner. Our work contributes to the growing literature on assessing and improving people's statistical literacy vis-a-vis contexts important in their professional and personal lives. We consider the measurement of contextualized statistics literacy - statistical literacy as applied to relevant contexts. We discuss the development of an isomorphic instrument modifying an existing assessment, design of a pilot study, and results which conclude that 1) the isomorphic assessment has comparable psychometric properties, and 2) test takers have lower statistical literacy scores on an assessment that incorporates relevant contexts.



统计素养的核心作用已被广泛讨论,强调其作为学习成果的重要性,以及促进公民能够以知情和批判的方式与世界互动的重要性。我们的工作有助于评估和提高人们在职业和个人生活中重要的背景下的统计素养的不断增长的文献。我们考虑对情境化统计素养的测量——应用于相关上下文的统计素养。我们讨论了修改现有评估的同构工具的开发、试点研究的设计以及得出以下结论的结果:1) 同构评估具有可比较的心理测量特性,以及 2) 考生在包含相关的评估中具有较低的统计素养分数上下文。