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The unexpected social consequences of diverting attention to our phones
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jesp.2022.104344
Elyssa M. Barrick 1 , Alixandra Barasch 2 , Diana I. Tamir 1, 3

Phone use is everywhere. Previous work has shown that phone use during social experiences, or “phubbing”, has detrimental effects on cognitive processing, well-being, and relationships. In this work, we first replicate this by showing the negative effects of phone use on relationships during both controlled and naturalistic social experiences. In Study 1, participants that were randomly assigned to complete a task with a confederate who used their phone part of the time reported lower feelings of social connection and engagement than participants paired with a partner who did not use their phone at all. In Study 2, dyads in a park completed a survey about their experience of the day. Participants reported that increased phone use resulted in lower feelings of social connection, enjoyment, and engagement in the experience. If the negative effects of phone use are so obvious, why do people continue to phub their friends? Studies 3 and 4 demonstrate that people accurately intuit the effects of others' phone use on experiences, but fail to recognize the effects of their own phone use. Study 4 explains this phubbing blindspot by demonstrating an actor-observer bias – people attribute their own phone use to positive motives and overestimate their ability to multitask compared to others. Together these findings suggest that while people are aware of the harmful effects of another person's phone use in social situations, they may fail to recognize the negative consequences of their own use because they mispredict the positive contributions of their phone use to the experience.



电话使用无处不在。以前的研究表明,在社交体验或“phubbing”期间使用电话会对认知处理、幸福感和人际关系产生不利影响。在这项工作中,我们首先通过在受控和自然主义的社会体验中展示电话使用对关系的负面影响来复制这一点。在研究 1 中,与完全不使用手机的伙伴配对的参与者相比,被随机分配与部分时间使用手机的伙伴一起完成任务的参与者报告的社交联系和参与感较低。在研究 2 中,公园里的两人完成了一项关于他们当天经历的调查。参与者报告说,手机使用的增加会降低社交联系、享受和参与体验的感觉。如果电话使用的负面影响如此明显,为什么人们还要继续给朋友打电话呢?研究 3 和 4 表明,人们准确地直觉别人的手机使用体验,但未能认识到自己使用手机的影响。研究 4 通过展示演员 - 观察者偏见来解释这个令人沮丧的盲点 - 人们将自己的手机使用归因于积极的动机,并与其他人相比高估了自己的多任务能力。这些研究结果表明,虽然人们意识到他人在社交场合使用手机的有害影响,但他们可能无法认识到自己使用手机的负面影响,因为他们错误地预测了手机使用对体验的积极贡献。
