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Evaluation of irrigation frequency on pineapple plants grown in greenhouse conditions
Scientia Horticulturae ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scienta.2022.111186
Nicolás Hitoshi Sugita 1 , Melanie Desirée Gómez Herrera 2, 3 , Roberto Paulo Marano 4 , Paula Alayón Luaces 3

The objectives of this work are to evaluate the water status and growth variables of pineapple plants under different frequencies of irrigation to optimize the water productivity irrigation in greenhouse conditions in the subtropics. The experiment was conducted during the vegetative cycle for nine months, comparing three frequencies of irrigation: irrigation every three days (High frequency-T1), every seven days (Medium frequency-T2), and every 15 days (Low frequency-T3). The water status was measured using destructive indicators: Relative Water Content (RWC) and non-destructive indicators: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Stress Degree Day (SDD), and Leaf Chlorophyll Index (LCI). Water productivity indicators (Irrigated water productivity, crop water productivity) and growth variables (plant height, maximum diameter, plant biomass, assimilate partitioning) were also measured. The environmental conditions monitored were temperature, humidity, and incident radiation. The soil moisture depletion and daily depletion rate were also registered and calculated. Destructive indicators of water status did not detect differences between irrigation treatments in this study, while non-destructive indicators statistically differentiated T1 from T3. T2 was the most appropriate irrigation treatment during the cold season. These results suggest that in greenhouse conditions in subtropical environments, a combination of high frequencies in warm seasons and medium frequencies in cold seasons would adjust irrigation management according to the pineapple crop needs, optimizing irrigation water productivity.



这项工作的目的是评估不同灌溉频率下菠萝植物的水分状况和生长变量,以优化亚热带温室条件下的水分生产力灌​​溉。该实验在 9 个月的营养周期中进行,比较了三种灌溉频率:每 3 天(高频-T1)、每 7 天(中频-T2)和每 15 天(低频-T3)灌溉。使用破坏性指标测量水分状况:相对含水量 (RWC) 和非破坏性指标:归一化差异植被指数 (NDVI)、胁迫度日 (SDD) 和叶绿素指数 (LCI)。水分生产力指标(灌溉水生产力、作物水分生产力)和生长变量(植物高度、最大直径、植物生物量、同化分配)也被测量。监测的环境条件是温度、湿度和入射辐射。还记录和计算了土壤水分消耗和每日消耗率。在本研究中,水状况的破坏性指标没有检测到灌溉处理之间的差异,而非破坏性指标在统计​​上区分了 T1 和 T3。T2是寒冷季节最适宜的灌溉处理。这些结果表明,在亚热带环境的温室条件下,温暖季节的高频和寒冷季节的中频相结合将根据菠萝作物的需要调整灌溉管理,优化灌溉水生产力。监测的环境条件是温度、湿度和入射辐射。还记录和计算了土壤水分消耗和每日消耗率。在本研究中,水状况的破坏性指标没有检测到灌溉处理之间的差异,而非破坏性指标在统计​​上区分了 T1 和 T3。T2是寒冷季节最适宜的灌溉处理。这些结果表明,在亚热带环境的温室条件下,温暖季节的高频和寒冷季节的中频相结合将根据菠萝作物的需要调整灌溉管理,优化灌溉水生产力。监测的环境条件是温度、湿度和入射辐射。还记录和计算了土壤水分消耗和每日消耗率。在本研究中,水状况的破坏性指标没有检测到灌溉处理之间的差异,而非破坏性指标在统计​​上区分了 T1 和 T3。T2是寒冷季节最适宜的灌溉处理。这些结果表明,在亚热带环境的温室条件下,温暖季节的高频和寒冷季节的中频相结合将根据菠萝作物的需要调整灌溉管理,优化灌溉水生产力。在本研究中,水状况的破坏性指标没有检测到灌溉处理之间的差异,而非破坏性指标在统计​​上区分了 T1 和 T3。T2是寒冷季节最适宜的灌溉处理。这些结果表明,在亚热带环境的温室条件下,温暖季节的高频和寒冷季节的中频相结合将根据菠萝作物的需要调整灌溉管理,优化灌溉水生产力。在本研究中,水状况的破坏性指标没有检测到灌溉处理之间的差异,而非破坏性指标在统计​​上区分了 T1 和 T3。T2是寒冷季节最适宜的灌溉处理。这些结果表明,在亚热带环境的温室条件下,温暖季节的高频和寒冷季节的中频相结合将根据菠萝作物的需要调整灌溉管理,优化灌溉水生产力。
