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State of ex situ conservation of landrace groups of 25 major crops
Nature Plants ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-09 , DOI: 10.1038/s41477-022-01144-8
Julian Ramirez-Villegas 1, 2, 3 , Colin K Khoury 1, 4 , Harold A Achicanoy 1 , Maria Victoria Diaz 1 , Andres C Mendez 1 , Chrystian C Sosa 1, 5, 6 , Zakaria Kehel 7 , Luigi Guarino 8 , Michael Abberton 9 , Jorrel Aunario 10 , Bashir Al Awar 11 , Juan Carlos Alarcon 12 , Ahmed Amri 7 , Noelle L Anglin 13, 14 , Vania Azevedo 13, 15 , Khadija Aziz 7 , Grace Lee Capilit 10 , Oswaldo Chavez 13 , Dmytro Chebotarov 10 , Denise E Costich 12 , Daniel G Debouck 1 , David Ellis 13 , Hamidou Falalou 16 , Albert Fiu 17 , Michel Edmond Ghanem 18 , Peter Giovannini 8 , Alphonse J Goungoulou 19 , Badara Gueye 9 , Amal Ibn El Hobyb 7 , Ramni Jamnadass 20 , Chris S Jones 21 , Bienvenu Kpeki 19 , Jae-Sung Lee 10 , Kenneth L McNally 10 , Alice Muchugi 21 , Marie-Noelle Ndjiondjop 19 , Olaniyi Oyatomi 9 , Thomas S Payne 12 , Senthil Ramachandran 15 , Genoveva Rossel 13 , Nicolas Roux 22 , Max Ruas 22 , Carolina Sansaloni 12 , Julie Sardos 22 , Tri Deri Setiyono 10, 23 , Marimagne Tchamba 9 , Ines van den Houwe 24 , J Alejandro Velazquez 12 , Ramaiah Venuprasad 10 , Peter Wenzl 1 , Mariana Yazbek 11 , Cristian Zavala 12

Crop landraces have unique local agroecological and societal functions and offer important genetic resources for plant breeding. Recognition of the value of landrace diversity and concern about its erosion on farms have led to sustained efforts to establish ex situ collections worldwide. The degree to which these efforts have succeeded in conserving landraces has not been comprehensively assessed. Here we modelled the potential distributions of eco-geographically distinguishable groups of landraces of 25 cereal, pulse and starchy root/tuber/fruit crops within their geographic regions of diversity. We then analysed the extent to which these landrace groups are represented in genebank collections, using geographic and ecological coverage metrics as a proxy for genetic diversity. We find that ex situ conservation of landrace groups is currently moderately comprehensive on average, with substantial variation among crops; a mean of 63% ± 12.6% of distributions is currently represented in genebanks. Breadfruit, bananas and plantains, lentils, common beans, chickpeas, barley and bread wheat landrace groups are among the most fully represented, whereas the largest conservation gaps persist for pearl millet, yams, finger millet, groundnut, potatoes and peas. Geographic regions prioritized for further collection of landrace groups for ex situ conservation include South Asia, the Mediterranean and West Asia, Mesoamerica, sub-Saharan Africa, the Andean mountains of South America and Central to East Asia. With further progress to fill these gaps, a high degree of representation of landrace group diversity in genebanks is feasible globally, thus fulfilling international targets for their ex situ conservation.



作物地方品种具有独特的地方农业生态和社会功能,为植物育种提供了重要的遗传资源。对地方品种多样性价值的认识和对其对农场的侵蚀的关注导致了在全球范围内建立非原生境收集的持续努力。这些努力在保护地方品种方面的成功程度尚未得到全面评估。在这里,我们模拟了 25 种谷物、豆类和淀粉根/块茎/水果作物在其多样性地理区域内的生态地理上可区分的地方品种组的潜在分布。然后,我们使用地理和生态覆盖指标作为遗传多样性的代表,分析了这些地方品种在基因库集合中的代表性程度。我们发现,目前地方品种群的迁地保护总体上是适度全面的,作物之间存在很大差异;目前基因库中平均有 63% ± 12.6% 的分布。面包果、香蕉和车前草、小扁豆、普通豆类、鹰嘴豆、大麦和面包小麦地方品种代表最充分,而珍珠粟、山药、小米、落花生、土豆和豌豆的保护差距仍然最大。进一步收集地方品种群以进行异地保护的优先地理区域包括南亚、地中海和西亚、中美洲、撒哈拉以南非洲、南美洲的安第斯山脉和东亚中部。随着填补这些空白的进一步进展,
