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Acceptability of policies to reduce consumption of red and processed meat: A population-based survey experiment
Journal of Environmental Psychology ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2022.101817
Rachel Pechey 1 , James P Reynolds 2, 3 , Brian Cook 1 , Theresa M Marteau 2 , Susan A Jebb 1

Policies to reduce meat consumption are needed to help achieve climate change targets, and could also improve population health. Public acceptability can affect the likelihood of policy implementation. This study estimated the acceptability of policies to reduce red and processed meat consumption, and whether acceptability differed when policies were framed as benefitting health or the environment. In an online experiment, 2215 UK adults rated the acceptability of six policies, presented in a randomised order. Prior to rating policies, participants were randomised to one of two framing conditions, with policy outcomes described either as benefitting health or the environment. Regression models examined differences in the primary outcome – policy acceptability (rated on a 7-point scale) – by framing. Labels were the most accepted policy (48% support), followed by a media campaign (45%), reduced availability (40%) and providing incentives (38%). Increasing price (27%) and banning advertising (26%) were the least accepted. A substantial proportion of participants neither supported nor opposed most policies (26–33%), although this fell to 16% for increasing price. There was no evidence that framing policy benefits from a health or environment perspective influenced acceptability (−0.06, 95%CIs: 0.18,0.07). Fewer than half of the UK sample expressed support for any of six policies to reduce meat consumption, regardless of framing measures as benefitting health or the environment. Conversely, fewer than half expressed opposition, with the exception of price, suggesting considerable scope to influence public opinion in support of meat reduction measures to meet environmental and health goals.



需要制定减少肉类消费的政策来帮助实现气候变化目标,并且还可以改善人口健康。公众的接受程度会影响政策实施的可能性。这项研究评估了减少红肉和加工肉类消费的政策的可接受性,以及当政策被制定为有益于健康或环境时,可接受性是否有所不同。在一项在线实验中,2215 名英国成年人对六项政策的可接受性进行了评分,这些政策以随机顺序呈现。在对政策进行评级之前,参与者被随机分配到两个框架条件之一,政策结果被描述为有益于健康或环境。回归模型通过框架检查了主要结果——政策可接受性(按 7 分制评分)的差异。标签是最受接受的政策(48% 支持),其次是媒体宣传(45%)、减少可用性(40%)和提供激励(38%)。提高价格(27%)和禁止广告(26%)是最不被接受的。相当大比例的参与者既不支持也不反对大多数政策(26-33%),尽管这一比例因价格上涨而下降至 16%。没有证据表明从健康或环境角度制定政策效益会影响可接受性(-0.06,95%CI:0.18,0.07)。英国样本中只有不到一半的人表示支持六项减少肉类消费的政策中的任何一项,无论这些措施是否有利于健康或环境。相反,只有不到一半的人表示反对(价格除外),这表明影响公众舆论以支持减少肉类摄入措施以实现环境和健康目标的空间很大。
