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Ameliorating Effect of Organic Materials on Saline-Sodic Soil in Central Ganga Plain in Uttar Pradesh, India
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-07 , DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2022.2072865
Arun Shankar 1 , Rajesh Kumar Pal 2 , K. K. Mishra 1 , Rahul Ranjan 3


Field experiments were conducted for two years to evaluate the ameliorating effect of locally available diverse organic materials on saline sodic soil. The treatments comprised no-amendment (control), 100% GR (16.2 t ha−1), vermicompost, spent mushroom compost of Pleurotus ostreatus, farm yard manure, sheep dung and green manure (Prosopis julifera) each applied @ 10 t ha−1. Compared to 100% GR, the pooled EC reduced for two treatments spent mushroom compost and sheep dung (by 45 and 19%, respectively) while it was comparable (slight increased by 1.5%) for vermicompost. In 2019, soil pH for vermicompost and sheep dung was significantly on par with 100% GR, although this trend was insignificant in 2020. It can be concluded that vermicompost and sheep dung can be used in amelioration of sodic and saline sodic soil, respectively, and mushroom compost followed by natural leaching can be used in amelioration of saline soils.




进行了两年的田间试验,以评估当地可获得的各种有机材料对盐碱土的改善作用。处理包括无改良(对照)、100% GR(16.2 t ha -1)、蚯蚓堆肥、平菇的用过的蘑菇堆肥、农场粪便、羊粪和绿肥(Prosopis julifera),每种施用量为 @ 10 t ha - 1. 与 100% GR 相比,两种处理用蘑菇堆肥和羊粪的合并 EC 减少(分别减少 45% 和 19%),而蚯蚓堆肥则相当(略微增加 1.5%)。2019 年,蚯蚓粪和羊粪的土壤 pH 值显着与 100% GR 相当,尽管这一趋势在 2020 年并不显着。可以得出结论,蚯蚓粪和羊粪可分别用于改良碱土和盐碱土,蘑菇堆肥后自然浸出可用于改良盐渍土。
