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Correction: Extended two-stage designs for environmental research
Environmental Health ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-09 , DOI: 10.1186/s12940-022-00861-z
Francesco Sera 1, 2 , Antonio Gasparrini 2, 3, 4

Correction to: Environ Health 21, 41 (2022)


The authors would like to make a correction to the article entitled “Extended two-stage designs for environmental research” published in Environmental Health in April 2022 [1]. Due to problems during the revision of the proofs, the R code and data to reproduce the examples described in the four case studies were not included in the original version of the article. The material is available in a GitHub repository, freely accessible by the readers. The following parts of the manuscript have been revised to provide this information:

  • Page 2, left column, last sentence of Introduction: “Notes, data, and R scripts for reproducing the examples are added as supplementary material, with an up-to-date version available on the GitHub pages of the first and last authors”. The sentence has been changed to: “An up-to-date version of the notes, data, and R scripts for reproducing the examples are available on a GitHub repository (see Availability of data and material)”.

  • Page 3, right column, last paragraph of Methods. The third sentence: “These summaries are made available in the Supplementary Material, together with the R code for the first-stage step to produce these quantities from the original data, and the R code and data for the second-stage step to reproduce the results of the case studies” has been revised to: “These data are made available in a GitHub repository, together with the R code for the first stage to produce these quantities from the original data, and for the second stage to reproduce the results of the case studies (see Availability of data and material)”.

  • Section Availability of data and materials. The text in this section has been revised to: “An up-to-date version of the R scripts and data to fully reproduce the examples described in the four case studies are added in a GitHub repository, available at https://github.com/gasparrini/Extended2stage.”

This correction does not affect the results reported in the article and their interpretation. The authors apologise for the mistake.

The original article has been updated.

  1. Sera F, Gasparrini A. Extended two-stage designs for environmental research. Environ Health. 2022;21:41. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-022-00853-z.

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  1. Department of Statistics, Computer Science and Applications “G. Parenti”, University of Florence, Florence, Italy

    Francesco Sera

  2. Department of Public Health, Environments and Society, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK

    Francesco Sera & Antonio Gasparrini

  3. Centre on Climate Change and Planetary Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK

    Antonio Gasparrini

  4. Centre for Statistical Methdology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK

    Antonio Gasparrini

  1. Francesco SeraView author publications

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  2. Antonio GasparriniView author publications

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Correspondence to Francesco Sera.

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Sera, F., Gasparrini, A. Correction: Extended two-stage designs for environmental research. Environ Health 21, 50 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-022-00861-z

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-022-00861-z

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更正为:Environ Health 21, 41 (2022)


作者希望对 2022 年 4 月发表在 Environmental Health [1] 上的题为“Extended two-stage designs for environment research”的文章进行更正。由于修改证明过程中出现的问题,用于重现四个案例研究中描述的示例的 R 代码和数据未包含在文章的原始版本中。该材料可在 GitHub 存储库中获得,读者可以免费访问。手稿的以下部分已被修改以提供此信息:

  • 第 2 页,左栏,引言的最后一句:“添加了用于复制示例的注释、数据和 R 脚本作为补充材料,第一作者和最后作者的 GitHub 页面上提供了最新版本”。句子已更改为:“用于复制示例的最新版本的注释、数据和 R 脚本可在 GitHub 存储库中获得(请参阅数据和材料的可用性)”。

  • 第 3 页,右栏,方法的最后一段。第三句:“这些摘要在补充材料中提供,以及用于从原始数据生成这些数量的第一阶段步骤的 R 代码,以及第二阶段步骤的 R 代码和数据以重现案例研究的结果”已修改为:“这些数据在 GitHub 存储库中提供,以及用于从原始数据生成这些数量的第一阶段的 R 代码,以及用于重现结果的第二阶段案例研究(见数据和材料的可用性)”。

  • 数据和材料的可用性部分。本节中的文本已修改为:“将最新版本的 R 脚本和数据添加到 GitHub 存储库中,以完全重现四个案例研究中描述的示例,该存储库可在 https://github 获得。 com/gasparrini/Extended2stage。”



  1. Sera F, Gasparrini A. 用于环境研究的扩展两阶段设计。环境健康。2022;21:41。https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-022-00853-z。




  1. 统计、计算机科学与应用系“G. Parenti”,佛罗伦萨大学,佛罗伦萨,意大利


  2. 伦敦卫生与热带医学学院公共卫生、环境与社会系,英国伦敦


  3. 英国伦敦卫生与热带医学学院气候变化与行星健康中心


  4. 统计方法中心,伦敦卫生与热带医学学院,伦敦,英国


  1. Francesco Sera查看作者的出版物

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  2. Antonio Gasparrini查看作者的出版物

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Sera, F., Gasparrini, A. 更正:环境研究的扩展两阶段设计。环境健康 21, 50 (2022)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-022-00861-z


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  • DOI https ://doi.org/10.1186/s12940-022-00861-z




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