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The making and re-making of places along the St. Louis River in Duluth: From paintings to projects
Journal of Great Lakes Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jglr.2022.04.012
Jennifer D. Webb 1

Studies of the effectiveness of Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) call for the prioritization of placemaking and broadening of the definition of stakeholders. This paper argues that such stakeholder groups should include local historians, archivists, and art-or-architectural historians whose knowledge of local, place-based initiatives and familiarity with the built and visual landscape offer invaluable insights. In addition, instead of making new places as part of revitalization and remediation initiatives, such work should focus on the re-making of human-scaled spaces and places with unique histories to which residents are already attached. Several recent-and-ongoing projects in the St. Louis River AOC demonstrate the effectiveness of work that re-imagines places with clear and established identities and which does not turn away from problematic and complicated histories. An exploration of these initiatives in the St. Louis River AOC is combined with further consideration of placemaking and place attachment and an examination of industrial portraits created by Art Fleming for the Kom-on-Inn Bar in West Duluth in the 1950s, which are testament to the pride in place and the importance of the river and industries in the making and then breaking of the neighborhoods and the larger ecosystems of which they are a part.



对补救行动计划 (RAP) 有效性的研究要求优先考虑场所营造并扩大利益相关者的定义。本文认为,此类利益相关者群体应包括当地历史学家、档案管理员和艺术或建筑历史学家,他们对当地、基于地方的举措的了解以及对建筑和视觉景观的熟悉提供了宝贵的见解。此外,此类工作不应将创建新场所作为振兴和修复计划的一部分,而应侧重于重新打造居民已经依附的具有独特历史的人性化空间和场所。几个最近和正在进行的项目在圣。Louis River AOC 展示了重新构想具有明确和既定身份的地方并且不回避有问题和复杂历史的工作的有效性。对圣路易斯河 AOC 的这些举措的探索与对场所营造和场所依恋的进一步考虑以及对 Art Fleming 在 1950 年代为西德卢斯的 Kom-on-Inn 酒吧创作的工业肖像的检查相结合,这些都是证明以当地的自豪感以及河流和工业在社区和它们所属的更大生态系统的形成和破坏中的重要性。
