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Diversified crop rotations increase the yield and economic efficiency of grain production systems
European Journal of Agronomy ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eja.2022.126528
Luiz Gustavo Garbelini 1 , Henrique Debiasi 2 , Alvadi Antônio Balbinot Junior 2 , Julio Cezar Franchini 2 , Antonio Eduardo Coelho 3 , Tiago Santos Telles 4

Crop rotations with high plant diversity and biomass input have been recognized worldwide as a crucial practice for increasing the sustainability of grain production systems, particularly in regions under no-tillage (NT) management. Nonetheless, low-diversity grain production systems based on double cropping (two crops in the same agricultural year) repeated over time, including soybean followed by maize (known in Brazil as “second crop maize”) or wheat, remain prevalent in Brazil. The continuous use of these systems can impair soil yield capacity, farmers’ profits, and environmental sustainability. Therefore, this study aimed to verify the grain yield and profitability of different production systems with different levels of plant diversity. This study was based on results obtained during the 2009–2017 cropping seasons through a long-term field trial conducted under NT since 1985 in southern Brazil. The trial covered two 4-year agricultural cycles with two crops per year, resulting in eight crops per cycle and 16 crops over the entire period. The experiment followed a randomized complete block design, with five treatments and four replicates. The treatments involved three diversified crop rotations, comprising different cover crops and two double-crop systems (wheat-soybean and maize-soybean). For a given agricultural year, wheat and cover crops (white oats, black oats, and forage radish) were grown from May to September, and the second crop maize was grown from March to August. Soybean and first crop maize were grown during the summer from October to February. The grain yield, gross revenue, production cost, and cumulative profit were analyzed for each production system. Gross revenue and profit were primarily estimated based on the actual annual average commodity prices received by farmers, and two additional price scenarios (pessimistic and optimistic) were proposed considering the average prices from 2010 to 2017. Regardless of the cropping season, first crop maize and wheat grain yields were higher in diversified crop rotations. The production system only affected the second crop maize yield in 2010/2011, with a higher value obtained in a diversified crop rotation system. The soybean yield in diversified crop rotations was higher than that in double-crop systems. Considering each cash crop separately, soybean produced the highest average profit (US$ 472.50 ha−1), followed by the first crop maize (US$ 245.31 ha−1) and wheat (US$ 77.71 ha−1), whereas the second crop maize led to economic losses (−US$ 121.73 ha−1). All diversified crop rotations produced a higher 8-year cumulative profit and gross margin than the maize–soybean in double-crop system. The relative economic performance of production systems remained unchanged under alternative price scenarios (pessimistic and optimistic) compared with that under the observed (actual) price scenario. However, the cumulative profit of maize and soybean in double-crop system was the most negatively impacted in the pessimistic scenario (−45.9%), indicating greater economic risk. Overall, lack of direct revenues from cover crops were compensated by increased grain yield in the spring-summer season and profitability of diversified crop rotation systems. Therefore, diversified crop rotation systems are economically competitive with double crop systems, rendering them feasible management options for conserving natural resources and increasing crop resilience to adverse climatic conditions.



具有高植物多样性和生物量投入的作物轮作已在世界范围内被公认为提高粮食生产系统可持续性的关键做法,特别是在免耕 (NT) 管理的地区。尽管如此,随着时间的推移,基于双季作物(同一农业年份的两种作物)的低多样性谷物生产系统在巴西仍然普遍存在,包括大豆、玉米(在巴西称为“第二季玉米”)或小麦。这些系统的持续使用会损害土壤产量、农民利润和环境可持续性。因此,本研究旨在验证具有不同植物多样性水平的不同生产系统的粮食产量和盈利能力。这项研究基于自 1985 年以来在巴西南部在 NT 下进行的长期田间试验,在 2009-2017 年种植季节获得的结果。该试验涵盖了两个为期 4 年的农业周期,每年种植两种作物,每个周期种植 8 种作物,整个期间种植 16 种作物。该实验遵循随机完整区组设计,有五个处理和四个重复。处理涉及三种多样化的作物轮作,包括不同的覆盖作物和两种双作系统(小麦-大豆和玉米-大豆)。对于给定的农业年度,小麦和覆盖作物(白燕麦、黑燕麦和草料萝卜)从 5 月到 9 月种植,第二季玉米从 3 月到 8 月种植。大豆和第一季玉米在 10 月至 2 月的夏季种植。粮食产量,分析了每个生产系统的总收入、生产成本和累计利润。总收入和利润主要根据农民收到的实际年平均商品价格估算,并考虑到 2010 年至 2017 年的平均价格,提出了另外两种价格情景(悲观和乐观)。无论种植季节如何,首季玉米和多样化轮作的小麦产量较高。生产制度仅影响2010/2011年二季玉米产量,在多样化轮作制度下获得的值较高。多样化轮作的大豆产量高于双熟系统。分别考虑每种经济作物,大豆的平均利润最高(472.50 美元公顷)分析每个生产系统的累计利润。总收入和利润主要根据农民收到的实际年平均商品价格估算,并考虑到 2010 年至 2017 年的平均价格,提出了另外两种价格情景(悲观和乐观)。无论种植季节如何,首季玉米和多样化轮作的小麦产量较高。生产制度仅影响2010/2011年二季玉米产量,在多样化轮作制度下获得的值较高。多样化轮作的大豆产量高于双熟系统。分别考虑每种经济作物,大豆的平均利润最高(472.50 美元公顷)分析每个生产系统的累计利润。总收入和利润主要根据农民收到的实际年平均商品价格估算,并考虑到 2010 年至 2017 年的平均价格,提出了另外两种价格情景(悲观和乐观)。无论种植季节如何,首季玉米和多样化轮作的小麦产量较高。生产制度仅影响2010/2011年二季玉米产量,在多样化轮作制度下获得的值较高。多样化轮作的大豆产量高于双熟系统。分别考虑每种经济作物,大豆的平均利润最高(472.50 美元公顷)总收入和利润主要根据农民收到的实际年平均商品价格估算,并考虑到 2010 年至 2017 年的平均价格,提出了另外两种价格情景(悲观和乐观)。无论种植季节如何,首季玉米和多样化轮作的小麦产量较高。生产制度仅影响2010/2011年二季玉米产量,在多样化轮作制度下获得的值较高。多样化轮作的大豆产量高于双熟系统。分别考虑每种经济作物,大豆的平均利润最高(472.50 美元公顷)总收入和利润主要根据农民收到的实际年平均商品价格估算,并考虑到 2010 年至 2017 年的平均价格,提出了另外两种价格情景(悲观和乐观)。无论种植季节如何,首季玉米和多样化轮作的小麦产量较高。生产制度仅影响2010/2011年二季玉米产量,在多样化轮作制度下获得的值较高。多样化轮作的大豆产量高于双熟系统。分别考虑每种经济作物,大豆的平均利润最高(472.50 美元公顷)考虑到 2010 年至 2017 年的平均价格,提出了另外两种价格情景(悲观和乐观)。无论种植季节如何,在多样化的轮作中,首季玉米和小麦的产量都较高。生产制度仅影响2010/2011年二季玉米产量,在多样化轮作制度下获得的值较高。多样化轮作的大豆产量高于双熟系统。分别考虑每种经济作物,大豆的平均利润最高(472.50 美元公顷)考虑到 2010 年至 2017 年的平均价格,提出了另外两种价格情景(悲观和乐观)。无论种植季节如何,在多样化的轮作中,首季玉米和小麦的产量都较高。生产制度仅影响2010/2011年二季玉米产量,在多样化轮作制度下获得的值较高。多样化轮作的大豆产量高于双熟系统。分别考虑每种经济作物,大豆的平均利润最高(472.50 美元公顷)在多样化的轮作系统中获得更高的价值。多样化轮作的大豆产量高于双熟系统。分别考虑每种经济作物,大豆的平均利润最高(472.50 美元公顷)在多样化的轮作系统中获得更高的价值。多样化轮作的大豆产量高于双熟系统。分别考虑每种经济作物,大豆的平均利润最高(472.50 美元公顷)-1 ),其次是第一季玉米(US$ 245.31 ha -1)和小麦(US$ 77.71 ha -1),而第二季玉米导致经济损失(-US$ 121.73 ha -1)。所有多样化的轮作产生的 8 年累计利润和毛利率都高于双熟制中的玉米-大豆。与观察到的(实际)价格情景相比,替代价格情景(悲观和乐观)下生产系统的相对经济表现保持不变。然而,在悲观情景中,玉米和大豆在双季制中的累计利润受到的负面影响最大(-45.9%),表明经济风险更大。总体而言,春夏季粮食产量增加和多样化轮作系统的盈利能力弥补了覆盖作物直接收入的不足。因此,多样化的轮作制度在经济上与双作制度相比具有竞争力,
