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EXPRESS: Order Matters: Rating Service Professionals Reduces Tipping Amount
Journal of Marketing ( IF 11.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-21 , DOI: 10.1177/00222429221098698
Jinjie Chen , Alison Jing Xu , Maria A. Rodas , Xuefeng Liu

As customer ratings have become ubiquitous and digital platforms can directly request ratings and tips from customers, understanding how a customer rating influences tipping becomes important. We investigate whether, how, why, and when the order of rating and tipping affects both consumer behaviors in seven studies, including one quasi-field experiment, one archival data analysis, one randomized field experiment, and four randomized lab experiments. We show that asking customers to rate a service professional before tipping negatively impacts the tip amount but that tipping first does not affect subsequent rating scores. We propose that the negative effect of rating on tipping occurs because, when rating a service professional first, customers categorize their feedback as a reward for the service professional, which partially alleviates the felt obligation to tip, resulting in a smaller tip. This negative effect is more evident when customers (1) tip from their own pocket, (2) have higher categorization flexibility, or (3) perceive that the service professional benefits from the rating. Moreover, highlighting the consistency motivation after rating but before tipping can attenuate this effect. These boundary conditions not only support our proposed mechanism and evaluate alternative processes but also have significant practical implications.



随着客户评分变得无处不在,数字平台可以直接向客户请求评分和提示,了解客户评分如何影响小费变得很重要。我们在七项研究中调查了评分和小费的顺序是否、如何、为什么以及何时影响消费者行为,包括一项准现场实验、一项档案数据分析、一项随机现场实验和四项随机实验室实验。我们表明,要求客户在给小费之前对服务专业人员进行评分会对小费金额产生负面影响,但先给小费不会影响随后的评分。我们认为,评级对小费的负面影响是因为,当首先对服务专业人员进行评级时,客户将他们的反馈归类为对服务专业人员的奖励,这部分减轻了小费的感觉义务,导致小费。当客户 (1) 从自己的口袋里掏出小费,(2) 具有更高的分类灵活性,或 (3) 认为服务专业人员从评级中受益时,这种负面影响更加明显。此外,在评分之后但在给小费之前强调一致性动机可以减弱这种影响。这些边界条件不仅支持我们提出的机制和评估替代过程,而且具有重要的实际意义。在评分之后但在给小费之前强调一致性动机可以减弱这种影响。这些边界条件不仅支持我们提出的机制和评估替代过程,而且具有重要的实际意义。在评分之后但在给小费之前强调一致性动机可以减弱这种影响。这些边界条件不仅支持我们提出的机制和评估替代过程,而且具有重要的实际意义。
