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Complex complicity: A practice note from a woman of colour on the frontline
Probation Journal ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-07 , DOI: 10.1177/02645505221093202
Mariam Rashid 1

I work as a Probation Officer; I have been doing this job for almost 15 years. I work primarily with men and have worked in major cities in England. I am a minority in England, both ethnically and religiously. I am a woman, and my family are migrants from Africa, and their grandparents were indentured labour from India. In all the ways I am different, I also often share histories of migration, of minority experience and of being an outsider with many of those I work with. This is the conversation I have with myself most mornings: Can you consider yourself an activist? I ask myself. Can you call yourself an activist, an anti-racist whilst working within this criminal justice system? Can you continue in this work and not betray yourself, your Muslim-ness, your brown-ness, your working class-ness, your immigrant-ness?



我是一名缓刑官;我从事这项工作已经将近 15 年了。我主要与男性一起工作,并曾在英格兰的主要城市工作。我是英格兰的少数族裔,无论是种族还是宗教。我是女性,我的家人是来自非洲的移民,他们的祖父母是来自印度的契约劳工。尽管我与众不同,但我也经常与许多与我共事的人分享移民历史、少数族裔经历以及作为局外人的经历。这是我大多数早晨与自己的对话:你能认为自己是一个激进主义者吗?我问我自己。在这个刑事司法系统中工作时,你能称自己为活动家、反种族主义者吗?你能继续从事这项工作而不出卖你自己、你的穆斯林身份、你的棕色皮肤、你的工人阶级身份、你的移民身份吗?