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Introduction: Mariátegui, Critical Thinking, and Andean Futures
Latin American Perspectives ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-28 , DOI: 10.1177/0094582x221091189
Ronaldo Munck , Pascual García-Macías , Karina Ponce

As we move well beyond the optimism of the left turn in Latin America that began in 2000 and ended (at least temporarily) around 2015 (with the end of the commodities price boom and the defeat of progressive Peronism in Argentina), we have to find ways to reconnect critical thinking with the need to reconstruct hegemony across the broad masses to create a better future. We base this enterprise in the Andean region, where two countries (Bolivia and Ecuador) have had an intense experience with leftist regimes/movements and in two others (Peru and Colombia) the left has recently come to power (Peru) or has mounted a serious challenge to the existing order (Colombia).



随着我们远远超出 2000 年开始并在 2015 年左右结束(至少暂时)结束的拉丁美洲左转的乐观情绪(随着大宗商品价格繁荣的结束和进步的庇隆主义在阿根廷的失败),我们必须找到重新连接批判性思维与在广​​大群众中重建霸权以创造更美好未来的需要的方法。我们将这家企业设在安第斯地区,那里有两个国家(玻利维亚和厄瓜多尔)对左翼政权/运动有着丰富的经验,另外两个国家(秘鲁和哥伦比亚)的左翼最近上台执政(秘鲁)或已经建立了一个对现有秩序的严重挑战(哥伦比亚)。