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The Victim-Perpetrator Relationship and Peritraumatic Schemas as a Result of Sexual Trauma
Journal of Interpersonal Violence ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-29 , DOI: 10.1177/08862605221097445
Danielle Lauricella 1 , Laura Eichenberger 2 , Makayla Gregory 1

The development of posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) due to sexual trauma is complex. Various mechanisms have been studied to explain the relationship between sexual trauma and PTSS. Other studies have looked at the impact of the victim-perpetrator relationship on the relationship between sexual trauma and PTSS with mixed results. Lacking from the literature is the possible mediating effect of peritraumatic schemas for the relationship between sexual trauma and PTSS. Additionally, the impact of the type of victim-perpetrator relationship may have on the development of peritraumatic schemas has also been unaddressed. This study seeks to close the gap in the literature by asking if peritraumatic schemas mediate the relationship between sexual trauma, specifically attempted and completed rape, and PTSS. The moderating role of the victim-perpetrator relationship on the association between sexual trauma and peritraumatic schemas was also examined. Using a college student sample that had endorsed experiencing at least one sexual trauma in their life, this study examined path analysis model explaining the mediating effects of peritraumatic schemas and the moderating effects of the victim-perpetrator relationship. Results indicated that peritraumatic schemas partially mediated the relationship between attempted rape and PTSS when controlling for completed rape. This effect was not found for the relationship between completed rape and PTSS when controlling for attempted rape. The interaction between attempted rape and the acquaintance perpetrator relationship was significant, indicating that peritraumatic schemas increased more severely for those that experienced attempted rape by an acquaintance. Recognizing that PTSS partially results from the peritraumatic schemas experienced, which are impacted by the victim-perpetrator relationship, helps increase understanding of the experience of attempted rape.



由于性创伤导致的创伤后应激症状 (PTSS) 的发展是复杂的。已经研究了各种机制来解释性创伤和 PTSS 之间的关系。其他研究着眼于受害者-施虐者关系对性创伤和 PTSS 之间关系的影响,结果好坏参半。文献中缺乏围创伤图式对性创伤与 PTSS 之间关系的可能中介作用。此外,受害者-施暴者关系类型可能对创伤后图式发展的影响也没有得到解决。本研究旨在通过询问创伤后图式是否介导性创伤(特别是未遂和已完成的强奸)与 PTSS 之间的关系来缩小文献中的差距。还研究了受害者-施虐者关系对性创伤和创伤后图式之间关联的调节作用。使用一个大学生样本,该样本支持在他们的生活中经历过至少一次性创伤,本研究检验了路径分析模型,该模型解释了创伤后图式的中介作用和受害者-施暴者关系的调节作用。结果表明,在控制已完成的强奸时,围创伤图式部分介导了强奸未遂和 PTSS 之间的关系。在控制强奸未遂时,未发现完成强奸与 PTSS 之间的关系的这种影响。强奸未遂与熟人关系之间的相互作用是显着的,表明对于那些经历过熟人未遂强奸的人来说,创伤后图式的增加更为严重。认识到 PTSS 部分是由受受害者-施暴者关系影响的经历过的创伤性图式引起的,这有助于增加对强奸未遂经历的理解。