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The Charitable Terrorist: State Capacity and the Support for the Pakistani Taliban
Journal of Conflict Resolution ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-18 , DOI: 10.1177/00220027221079398
Federico Masera 1 , Hasin Yousaf 1

Violent organizations are often providers of many social services in competition with the state. We provide evidence that these organizations use the provision of social services to gain support. This strategy is only effective when it fills the void left by a weak state. We show this by studying the provision of natural disaster relief by the Pakistani state and the Taliban. We first analyze the floods of 2010 that received an inadequate response from the government and show that support for the Taliban increased in the areas affected by the flood. These effects were concentrated in places where the Taliban likely provided help and where the state under-delivered. We then study the 2005 earthquake that instead received a swift government response and show that the Taliban lost support in the affected areas. Results cannot be explained by alternate mechanisms as anger against incumbents, political competition, electoral participation, and religiosity.



暴力组织通常是许多社会服务的提供者,与国家竞争。我们提供证据表明这些组织通过提供社会服务来获得支持。这种策略只有在填补弱状态留下的空白时才有效。我们通过研究巴基斯坦国家和塔利班提供的自然灾害救济来证明这一点。我们首先分析了 2010 年政府应对不力的洪水,发现受洪水影响的地区对塔利班的支持有所增加。这些影响集中在塔利班可能提供帮助和政府未能提供帮助的地方。然后,我们研究了 2005 年的地震,该地震反而得到了政府的迅速反应,并表明塔利班在受灾地区失去了支持。