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Empirical Studies of the Arts ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-11 , DOI: 10.1177/02762374221092393
Rebecca Chamberlain 1 , Aenne Brielmann 2

We are delighted to present the July 2022 issue of Empirical Studies of the Arts. We mark this new issue with a change in editorial team. Dr Marcos Nadal is stepping down as editor-in-chief after 5 years at the helm. Under his careful and considered guidance the journal has thrived and its reach has greatly increased, harnessing the growing international interest in empirical approaches to music, and the visual and performing arts. The research community owes him a huge debt of gratitude for his service to the journal, particularly over the last few difficult years of the covid-19 pandemic. We are honored to succeed Dr Nadal as the first female editorial team in the journal's history and are excited to carry on his good work.



我们很高兴推出 2022 年 7 月号的《艺术实证研究》。我们用编辑团队的变化来标记这个新问题。Marcos Nadal 博士在掌舵 5 年后辞去主编一职。在他细心和深思熟虑的指导下,该杂志蓬勃发展,其影响范围也大大增加,利用了国际上对音乐、视觉和表演艺术经验方法日益增长的兴趣。研究界欠他一份巨大的感激之情,感谢他为该杂志提供的服务,尤其是在 covid-19 大流行的最后几年困难时期。我们很荣幸接替纳达尔博士成为该杂志历史上的第一个女性编辑团队,并很高兴能够继续他的出色工作。