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The Nexus of Carcerality and Access and Success in Postsecondary Education
American Behavioral Scientist ( IF 2.531 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-21 , DOI: 10.1177/00027642211054820
Adrian H. Huerta 1 , Tolani Britton 2

This special issue of American Behavioral Scientist focuses on college preparation, access, and success for individuals impacted by carceral systems and practices in K-12 and higher education. Carcerality is (in)formal rules that center discipline, punishment, and control of individuals. Most recently, the embodiment of carceral practices has become more visible throughout the educational system, particularly for students of color. Attitudes, practices, and policies shape how K-12 and higher education students are perceived and treated as risks. In turn, these attitudes and policies lead to decisions about whether students merit investments that increase the likelihood of success in the education system. In the face of these structural barriers, students resist and overcome these policies and the systemic underinvestment in their education. This volume of articles centers the interconnection between education and criminal (in)justice to understand how both fields interact and position minoritized students in the social, academic, and behavioral margins. Articles explore the experiences of system-impacted students in K-12, higher education, theoretical application of risk, the impact of carceral laws and policies on educational access, and response to practices and policies that can counter carceral efforts in education systems.


Carcerality 和 Access 以及在中学后教育中取得成功的关系

本期美国行为科学家特刊侧重于受 K-12 和高等教育中的监狱系统和实践影响的个人的大学准备、入学和成功。监禁是(非正式)以纪律、惩罚和控制个人为中心的正式规则。最近,监禁实践的体现在整个教育系统中变得更加明显,特别是对于有色人种的学生。态度、实践和政策塑造了 K-12 和高等教育学生如何被视为风险并被视为风险。反过来,这些态度和政策会导致决定学生是否值得投资,从而增加在教育系统中取得成功的可能性。面对这些结构性障碍,学生们抵制并克服了这些政策以及对教育的系统性投资不足。本卷文章以教育和刑事(不)司法之间的相互联系为中心,以了解这两个领域如何相互作用以及如何在社会、学术和行为边缘定位少数族裔学生。文章探讨了 K-12 中受系统影响的学生的经历、高等教育、风险的理论应用、监狱法律和政策对教育机会的影响,以及对可以对抗教育系统中的监禁努力的做法和政策的回应。
