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“All Are Deserving”: Racialized Conditions of Immigrant Deservingness in a Catholic Worker Movement-Inspired Non-Governmental Organization
American Behavioral Scientist ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-04 , DOI: 10.1177/00027642221083521
Anthony M. Jimenez 1

Although deservingness considerations are commonly antithetical to the aims of pro-immigrant spaces like Justicia y Paz (JyP), a volunteer-run, Catholic Worker Movement-inspired non-governmental organization in Houston, Texas, they nevertheless materialize. This study explores how and why this happens. Drawing on an inductive analysis of 11 months of ethnographic observation and 36 in-depth interviews with volunteers and migrants at JyP, I argue that in “all are deserving” contexts, pro-immigrant advocates can engage in racialization and perpetuate white supremacy. I find that not all are treated as deserving—that deservingness is conditional on migrants submitting to two racially subordinate positions: (1) workers whose labor benefits the material interests of the white suburban elite and (2) indigent subjects whose impoverishment serves as the basis of spiritual salvation for a predominately white base of volunteers aiming to “serve the poor.” This research underscores the limitations of the Catholic Worker Movement-inspired “all are deserving” framework and affords similar pro-immigrant organizations practical insight toward ways to manifest immigrant justice.



尽管值得考虑的因素通常与支持移民的空间的目标背道而驰,例如 Justicia y Paz (JyP),这是一个在德克萨斯州休斯顿由志愿者经营、受天主教工人运动启发的非政府组织,但它们仍然实现了。本研究探讨了这种情况发生的方式和原因。通过对 11 个月的民族志观察和对 JyP 志愿者和移民的 36 次深入访谈的归纳分析,我认为在“所有人都值得”的情况下,支持移民的倡导者可以参与种族化并延续白人至上主义。我发现并非所有人都被视为应得的——应得的条件是移民服从两个种族从属地位:(1)他们的劳动有利于白人郊区精英的物质利益;(2)以白人为主的志愿者群体旨在“为穷人服务”的贫困人口作为精神救赎的基础。这项研究强调了受天主教工人运动启发的“所有人都值得”框架的局限性,并为类似的亲移民组织提供了关于体现移民正义的方法的实用见解。
