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The first report on food and feeding habits of yellowtail mullet, Minimugil cascasia (Hamilton, 1822), of the tropical River Ganga, India
Environmental Biology of Fishes ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10641-022-01263-3
Jeetendra Kumar 1 , Absar Alam 1 , Basanta Kumar Das 2

This is the first study conducted on the food and feeding habits of the yellowtail mullet (Minimugil cascasia), in the Ganga River (India). The gut contents of 276 individuals (TL: 45.32–89.79 mm) were investigated. Dominant food items of the yellowtail mullet included three diatoms, namely Cyclotella sp., Amphora sp., and Aulacosiera sp.; one green alga, Scenedesmus sp.; two blue-green algae, Merismopedia sp. and Nostoc sp. The food composition varied according to the size class of fish, with small individuals feeding on the blue-green algae and large one feeding on the diatoms and green algae. Sand and detritus comprising 84.16% and 81.87% by frequency and 48.83% and 20.31% by volume, respectively, dominated in the gut contents of the yellowtail mullet. The relative gut length (RGL) of the yellowtail mullet suggested an omnivorous iliophagous feeding habit, where foods items are picked up from the bottom mud layer known as the iliotrophic layer.


关于印度热带恒河的鲻鱼,Minimugil cascasia(汉密尔顿,1822 年)的食物和摄食习性的第一份报告

这是对恒河(印度)鲻鱼 ( Minimugil cascasia )的食物和摄食习性进行的第一项研究。研究了 276 个人 (TL: 45.32–89.79 mm) 的肠道内容物。鲻鱼的主要食物包括三种硅藻,即Cyclotella sp.、Amphora sp.和Aulacosiera sp.;一种绿藻,Scenedesmus sp.;两种蓝绿藻,Merismopedia sp。和发菜sp。食物成分因鱼的大小而异,小个体以蓝绿藻为食,大个体以硅藻和绿藻为食。沙子和碎屑分别占黄尾鲻肠道内容物的 84.16% 和 81.87%(按频率计)和 48.83% 和 20.31%(按体积计)。鲻鱼的相对肠道长度 (RGL) 表明了一种杂食性的髂食性摄食习惯,其中食物是从称为髂营养层的底部泥层中拾取的。
