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The Meaning and Clinical Implications of Low MMPI-3 Self-Importance Scores
Journal of Personality Assessment ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2022.2068421
Megan R Whitman 1 , William E Rice 2 , William H Menton 3 , David M McCord 2 , Yossef S Ben-Porath 1


The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3) includes two self-concept-oriented scales: Self-Doubt (SFD), a measure of low self-esteem, and Self-Importance (SFI), a measure of beliefs that one has special attributes and abilities. Past research has demonstrated that SFD and SFI measure related but distinct constructs. The present study focused on explicating the meaning and clinical implications of low SFI scores. Using three clinical samples (private practice and community mental health and private practice neuropsychology clinics), we investigated whether the presence of interpretable low SFI scores (< 39 T) in the context of interpretable SFD elevations (≥ 65 T) is associated with distinctive MMPI-3 findings, and whether low SFI scores add clinically meaningful information in predicting relevant extra-test criteria. Consistent meaningful findings were obtained with respect to implications of low SFI scores for assessment of depression- and social engagement-related constructs. Additionally, the full range of SFI scores was meaningfully and negatively correlated with depressive disorder diagnoses and suicidal ideation but yielded very small correlations with suicide attempt and nonmeaningful correlations with diagnoses of Social Anxiety or Avoidant Personality Disorder. Hierarchical logistic regression analyses showed that SFI scores could meaningfully increment other related MMPI-3 scales in predicting diagnosed depressive disorders, albeit with small effect sizes.


低 MMPI-3 自我重要性分数的意义和临床意义


明尼苏达多相人格量表 3 (MMPI-3) 包括两个以自我概念为导向的量表:自我怀疑 (SFD),衡量低自尊,以及自我重要性 (SFI),衡量一个人的信念具有特殊的属性和能力。过去的研究表明,SFD 和 SFI 测量相关但不同的结构。本研究的重点是阐明低 SFI 分数的意义和临床意义。使用三个临床样本(私人执业和社区心理健康以及私人执业神经心理学诊所),我们调查了在可解释的 SFD 升高(≥ 65 T)的背景下可解释的低 SFI 分数(< 39 T)的存在是否与独特的 MMPI 相关-3 个发现,以及低 SFI 分数是否在预测相关额外测试标准时增加了具有临床意义的信息。关于低 SFI 分数对评估抑郁症和社会参与相关结构的影响,获得了一致有意义的发现。此外,SFI 分数的全部范围与抑郁症诊断和自杀意念显着负相关,但与自杀企图的相关性非常小,与社交焦虑或回避型人格障碍的诊断无意义相关。分层逻辑回归分析表明,SFI 分数可以有意义地增加其他相关的 MMPI-3 量表来预测已诊断的抑郁症,尽管效应量很小。SFI 分数的全部范围与抑郁症诊断和自杀意念显着负相关,但与自杀企图的相关性非常小,与社交焦虑或回避型人格障碍的诊断无意义相关。分层逻辑回归分析表明,SFI 分数可以有意义地增加其他相关的 MMPI-3 量表来预测已诊断的抑郁症,尽管效应量很小。SFI 分数的全部范围与抑郁症诊断和自杀意念显着负相关,但与自杀企图的相关性非常小,与社交焦虑或回避型人格障碍的诊断无意义相关。分层逻辑回归分析表明,SFI 分数可以有意义地增加其他相关的 MMPI-3 量表来预测已诊断的抑郁症,尽管效应量很小。
