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Monitoring Female Fertility Through 'Femtech': The Need for a Whole-System Approach to Regulation.
Medical Law Review ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-09-06 , DOI: 10.1093/medlaw/fwac006
Catriona McMillan 1

Concurrent with the rise of digital health and personal health tracking technologies, a market has also emerged of products targeted specifically at women: 'femtech'. This article is motivated by the concern that insufficient regulatory attention has been devoted to this growing market, and that extant ambiguity in the regulation of femtech leaves its users at risk of relying on technologies of as-yet unproven worth. It is posited that femtech profoundly disrupts well-established regulatory mechanisms of protection in ways that mean that these silos of protection will not be adequate. This is because regulation, as it is currently constructed, is insufficiently sensitive to feminist perspectives regarding what these technologies mean for women. As a result, the regulatory sphere in which femtech operates fundamentally fails to ensure that the health and safety of femtech users are protected as this market continues to expand. To counteract this, the argument is made that an appropriate regulatory response to femtech must respond to the distinctive unmet need in the regulation of this technological realm and the acute risk that femtech poses. This must include a multidimensional whole-system approach grounded in feminist perspectives on health, fertility, and technology.



随着数字健康和个人健康追踪技术的兴起,一个专门针对女性的产品市场也出现了:“femtech”。这篇文章的动机是担心监管对这个不断增长的市场的关注不足,而femtech监管中现存的模糊性使其用户面临依赖价值尚未得到证实的技术的风险。据推测,femtech 深刻地破坏了完善的保护监管机制,这意味着这些保护孤岛将是不够的。这是因为目前构建的监管对于这些技术对女性意味着什么的女权主义观点不够敏感。因此,随着这个市场的不断扩大,femtech 运营所在的监管领域根本无法确保 femtech 用户的健康和安全得到保护。为了解决这个问题,有人认为,对femtech的适当监管反应必须应对该技术领域监管中独特的未满足需求以及femtech带来的严重风险。这必须包括以女权主义关于健康、生育和技术的观点为基础的多维全系统方法。