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circRNAs shed light on cancer diagnosis and treatment
Molecular Cancer ( IF 27.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-29 , DOI: 10.1186/s12943-022-01580-2
Christophe Nicot 1

Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a subgroup of single-stranded endogenous RNAs which exert differential expression pattern between normal and cancerous tissues and function as important regulators in cancer initiation and progression. However, comprehensive characterization of circRNA landscape across cancer types is still lacking. In a recent article published in Molecular Cancer, Wang and his colleagues have now placed seven types of tumors in a unified analytic framework [1], all with matched tumors and corresponding normal tissues. This work illustrated the detailed picture of circRNA expression signatures among solid tumors and highlighted the significance of these dysregulated circRNAs in cancer pathogenesis as well as their utility as potential indicators or therapeutic agents.

Through rRNA depleted transcriptome sequencing, the authors identified a total of 59,056 circRNAs, the majority of which were lowly expressed, while a subset of circRNAs exhibited much higher abundance than their cognate linear transcripts, indicating their biological significance in homeostasis. Using stringent criteria, the authors pictured the distinct circRNA expression signatures among seven types of solid tumors. The dysregulated circRNAs exhibited cancer-specific expression or shared common expression pattern across cancers, implying their diverse functions in cancer progression and their diagnostic potential in multiple cancers. Among the aberrant circRNAs, circLIFR showed an overall downregulation in tumors. Significantly, circLIFR was experimentally validated as a bona fide circRNA which inhibited tumor metastasis in vitro and in vivo, demonstrating circLIFR may serve as a therapeutical target in metastatic cancer. Consistently, the RNA-seq results suggested the ability of circLIFR to alter the expression pattern of some metastasis-related genes involved in cell adhesion and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Collectively, this study by Wang et al. certainly illustrates the comprehensive circRNA profiles in multiple solid tumors and highlights the potential of circRNAs as important diagnostic tools or therapeutic targets.

  1. Wang C, Liu WR, Tan S, Zhou JK, Xu X, Ming Y, et al. Characterization of distinct circular RNA signatures in solid tumors. Mol Cancer. 2022;21(1):63.

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  1. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Kansas Medical Center, 3901 Rainbow Boulevard, Kansas City, KS, 66160, USA

    Christophe Nicot

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Christophe Nicot wrote the commentary. The author(s) read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Christophe Nicot.

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The author declares no financial conflict of interest. Christophe Nicot is Editor-in-Chief of Molecular Cancer.

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Nicot, C. circRNAs shed light on cancer diagnosis and treatment. Mol Cancer 21, 107 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12943-022-01580-2

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12943-022-01580-2

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circRNA 揭示了癌症的诊断和治疗

环状 RNA (circRNA) 是单链内源性 RNA 的一个亚群,它们在正常组织和癌组织之间发挥差异表达模式,并在癌症发生和进展中发挥重要调节作用。然而,仍然缺乏跨癌症类型的 circRNA 景观的全面表征。在最近发表在Molecular Cancer上的一篇文章中,Wang 和他的同事们现在将七种类型的肿瘤置于一个统一的分析框架中 [1],所有肿瘤都具有匹配的肿瘤和相应的正常组织。这项工作详细说明了实体瘤中 circRNA 表达特征的详细情况,并强调了这些失调的 circRNA 在癌症发病机制中的重要性以及它们作为潜在指标或治疗剂的效用。

通过 rRNA 耗尽的转录组测序,作者共鉴定了 59,056 个 circRNA,其中大多数低表达,而一部分 circRNA 的丰度远高于其同源线性转录本,表明它们在稳态中的生物学意义。使用严格的标准,作者描绘了七种实体瘤中不同的 circRNA 表达特征。失调的 circRNA 在癌症中表现出癌症特异性表达或共享共同的表达模式,这意味着它们在癌症进展中的不同功能及其在多种癌症中的诊断潜力。在异常的 circRNA 中,circLIFR 在肿瘤中表现出整体下调。值得注意的是,circLIFR 被实验验证为真正的 circRNA,可在体外和体内抑制肿瘤转移证明 circLIFR 可以作为转移性癌症的治疗靶点。一致地,RNA-seq 结果表明 circLIFR 能够改变一些与细胞粘附和上皮间质转化 (EMT) 有关的转移相关基因的表达模式。总的来说,Wang 等人的这项研究。无疑说明了多个实体瘤中的全面 circRNA 谱,并强调了 circRNA 作为重要诊断工具或治疗靶点的潜力。

  1. 王 C,刘 WR,谭 S,周 JK,徐 X,明 Y,等。实体瘤中不同环状 RNA 特征的表征。摩尔癌症。2022;21(1):63。

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  1. 堪萨斯大学医学中心病理学和检验医学系,3901 Rainbow Boulevard, Kansas City, KS, 66160, USA


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Nicot, C. circRNAs 揭示了癌症的诊断和治疗。摩尔癌症 21, 107 (2022)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s12943-022-01580-2


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  • DOI https ://doi.org/10.1186/s12943-022-01580-2




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