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Can Science-Based Targets Make the Private Sector Paris-Aligned? A Review of the Emerging Evidence
Current Climate Change Reports ( IF 9.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s40641-022-00182-w
Anders Bjørn 1, 2 , Joachim Peter Tilsted 3 , Amr Addas 4 , Shannon M Lloyd 1

Purpose of Review

Companies increasingly set science-based targets (SBTs) for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We review literature on SBTs to understand their potential for aligning corporate emissions with the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement.

Recent Findings

SBT adoption by larger, more visible companies in high-income countries has accelerated. These companies tend to have a good prior reputation for managing climate impacts and most appear on track for meeting their scope 1 and 2 SBTs. More research is needed to distinguish between substantive and symbolic target-setting and understand how companies plan to achieve established SBTs. There is no consensus on whether current target-setting methods appropriately allocate emissions to individual companies or how much freedom companies should have in setting SBTs. Current emission accounting practices, target-setting methods, SBT governance, and insufficient transparency may allow companies to report some emission reductions that are not real and may result in insufficient collective emission reductions. Lower rates of SBT diffusion in low- and middle-income countries, in certain emission-intensive sectors, and by small- and medium-sized enterprises pose potential barriers for mainstreaming SBTs. While voluntary SBTs cannot substitute for more ambitious climate policy, it is unclear whether they delay or encourage policy needed for Paris alignment.


We find evidence that SBT adoption corresponds to increased climate action. However, there is a need for further research from a diversity of approaches to better understand how SBTs may facilitate or hinder a just transition to low-carbon societies.




公司越来越多地制定基于科学的目标(SBT)来减少温室气体排放。我们回顾了有关 SBT 的文献,以了解其使企业排放与《巴黎协定》的温度目标保持一致的潜力。


高收入国家规模更大、知名度更高的公司加速采用 SBT。这些公司往往在管理气候影响方面拥有良好的声誉,并且大多数似乎都有望实现范围 1 和 2 SBT。需要进行更多研究来区分实质性目标设定和象征性目标设定,并了解公司计划如何实现既定的 SBT。对于当前的目标设定方法是否适当地将排放量分配给各个公司,或者公司在设定SBT方面应有多大的自由度,尚未达成共识。当前的排放核算实践、目标设定方法、SBT治理和透明度不足可能会导致企业报告一些不真实的减排量,并可能导致集体减排量不足。低收入和中等收入国家、某些排放密集型行业以及中小型企业的 SBT 扩散率较低,这对 SBT 主流化构成了潜在障碍。虽然自愿性科学技术转让不能取代更雄心勃勃的气候政策,但尚不清楚它们是否会推迟或鼓励巴黎联盟所需的政策。


我们发现证据表明 SBT 的采用与气候行动的增加相对应。然而,需要通过多种方法进行进一步研究,以更好地了解 SBT 如何促进或阻碍向低碳社会的公正过渡。
