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‘A man on a watchtower’: Malleson and the British military mission to Turkistan, 1918–20
Middle Eastern Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-26 , DOI: 10.1080/00263206.2022.2048476
Saul Kelly 1


It is not often that one comes across a former British intelligence chief venting his spleen in public about past injuries done to him by his government and, in doing so, revealing recent intelligence operations. One such instructive example is that of Major-General Sir Wilfrid Malleson who, on 24 January 1922, in a lecture to the Central Asian Society, castigated the British government of India for failing to recognise the admittedly impressive services of the personnel of the British military mission to Turkestan from 1918-20, which had been under his command. In his righteous fury, Malleson revealed to a large extent British military and intelligence operations in the region, particularly as they affected Afghanistan in the critical years of 1919-20, covering as they did the Third Afghan War and its aftermath. It is proposed in this article to concentrate on an examination of this subject since it has been comparatively neglected and has much to tell us about the nature of British intelligence in this period and place.


“瞭望塔上的人”:1918-20 年,马勒森和英国驻土耳其斯坦军事使团


很少有人会遇到一位前英国情报局长在公开场合发泄他的政府过去对他造成的伤害,并在这样做时透露最近的情报行动。1922 年 1 月 24 日,威尔弗里德·马勒森爵士(Sir Wilfrid Malleson)少将在中亚协会的一次演讲中谴责印度英国政府没有承认英国军方人员令人印象深刻的服务。 1918-20 年间前往土耳其斯坦执行任务,该任务一直在他的指挥下。出于正义的愤怒,马勒森在很大程度上揭示了英国在该地区的军事和情报行动,特别是在 1919-20 年关键年份影响阿富汗的情况下,包括他们对第三次阿富汗战争及其后果的影响。
