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Municipal regulation of cannabis and public health in Canada: A comparison of Alberta, Ontario, and Québec
Behavioral Sciences & the Law ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-25 , DOI: 10.1002/bsl.2572
François Gagnon 1 , Christophe Huynh 2 , Michelle Kilborn 3 , Michelle Fry 3 , Rachel Vallée 1 , Isidora Janezic 1, 4

Canada legalized nonmedical cannabis in October 2018, but significant variations in municipal regulations exist. This study explored the variations that exist and pondered their potential public health consequences. A comparative analysis was completed on the regulations and guidelines that addressed retailers' location and public consumption in the municipalities of Alberta, Ontario, and Québec. Municipal regulations that addressed the location of retailers were more numerous and extensive in Alberta and Ontario (in the context of provincial private retail models) than in Québec (government-based model). Municipalities in Alberta added more restrictions to public consumption laws as compared to municipalities in Ontario and in Québec. These additions were made to Alberta's and Ontario's provincial-level smoking and vaping bans which used tobacco-inspired frameworks, and to Québec's ban on smoking and vaping in all public spaces. The comparative analysis showed the importance of considering municipal cannabis regulations when studying the impact of legalization, given the significant variations that exist. Policy makers should be made aware of these variations in the regulation of cannabis in order to limit health harms and further social inequalities.



加拿大于 2018 年 10 月将非医用大麻合法化,但市政法规存在重大差异。本研究探讨了存在的变化并思考了它们潜在的公共卫生后果。对解决阿尔伯塔省、安大略省和魁北克市零售商位置和公共消费的法规和指南进行了比较分析。与魁北克省(基于政府的模式)相比,阿尔伯塔省和安大略省(在省级私营零售模式的背景下)针对零售商位置的市政法规数量更多且范围更广。与安大略省和魁北克省的市镇相比,阿尔伯塔省的市镇对公共消费法增加了更多限制。这些增加是对艾伯塔省和安大略省的 使用受烟草启发的框架的省级吸烟和电子烟禁令,以及魁北克禁止在所有公共场所吸烟和电子烟的禁令。鉴于存在的显着差异,比较分析表明在研究合法化的影响时考虑市政大麻法规的重要性。政策制定者应该意识到大麻监管的这些变化,以限制健康危害和进一步的社会不平等。