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Oysters beget shell and vice versa: generating management goals for live oysters and the associated reef to promote maximum sustainable yield of Crassostrea virginica
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-27 , DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2021-0277
Laura K. Solinger 1 , Kathy A. Ashton-Alcox 2 , Eric N. Powell 3 , Kathleen M. Hemeon 4 , Sara M. Pace 5 , Thomas M. Soniat 6 , Leanne M. Poussard 4

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Ahead of Print.
Populations of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) have experienced declines from overfishing and disease throughout much of its US range, though development of maximum sustainable yield (MSY) management criteria has been elusive. This is due in part to the discordance between oyster spawning stock and recruits, as the classic stock–recruitment model does not account for the requirement of shell substrate on which recruits settle. This issue was recently addressed with the development of a surface area–recruitment model, which is herein incorporated into a simulation analysis to estimate MSY-based reference points for C. virginica in the Delaware Bay. Simulations demonstrate that at low natural mortality, fishing mortality (F) may be sustainable at values between 10% and 15%; however, if disease or other mortality-enhancing processes occur, the margin of error in fishing is small and may quickly lead to population and reef collapse, emphasizing a precautionary F < 10%. The MSY-based reference points generated here provide rebuilding goals for the oyster fishery and reef management on fished and unfished reefs and the framework from which shell-planting can be incorporated and optimized in the future.



东部牡蛎(Crassostrea virginica)的种群在美国大部分地区都因过度捕捞和疾病而下降,尽管最大可持续产量(MSY)管理标准的制定一直难以捉摸。这部分是由于牡蛎产卵种群和新兵之间的不一致,因为经典的种群-招募模型没有考虑到新兵定居的贝壳基质的要求。最近通过开发表面积-招募模型解决了这个问题,该模型在此被纳入模拟分析,以估计特拉华湾 C. virginica 的基于 MSY 的参考点。模拟表明,在自然死亡率较低的情况下,捕捞死亡率 (F) 可能可持续在 10% 至 15% 之间;然而,如果发生疾病或其他增加死亡率的过程,捕鱼的误差幅度很小,可能很快导致种群和珊瑚礁崩溃,强调预防性 F < 10%。这里生成的基于 MSY 的参考点为牡蛎渔业和已捕捞和未捕捞的珊瑚礁的珊瑚礁管理提供了重建目标,以及未来可以整合和优化贝类种植的框架。