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Tribal mobilisation during the Syrian civil war: the case of al-Baqqer brigade
Small Wars & Insurgencies ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-25 , DOI: 10.1080/09592318.2022.2069970
Haian Dukhan 1


As a result of the debilitating situation that the Syrian state reached during the Syrian Civil War, the government relies heavily on paramilitary groups to confront security challenges. Existing studies imply that all the paramilitary groups in Syria were formed in a largely top-down process. Focusing on the rise of al-Baqqer Brigade in Syria and relying on a series of in-depth interviews with members of the al-Baggara tribe who make up most of this militia, this paper challenges that assumption. The paper shows that the emergence of tribal militias is principally a grassroots phenomenon stemming from competition over local resources. It argues that the Syrian state has seized this opportunity and outsourced some of its security and counterinsurgency tasks to the group.


叙利亚内战期间的部落动员:以 al-Baqqer 旅为例


由于叙利亚国家在叙利亚内战期间陷入衰弱局面,政府严重依赖准军事组织来应对安全挑战。现有研究表明,叙利亚的所有准军事组织基本上都是在一个自上而下的过程中形成的。本文着眼于叙利亚 al-Baqqer 旅的崛起,并依靠对构成该民兵大部分的 al-Baggara 部落成员的一系列深入访谈,对这一假设提出了挑战。该论文表明,部落民兵的出现主要是源于对当地资源的竞争的草根现象。它辩称,叙利亚政府抓住了这个机会,将其部分安全和反叛乱任务外包给了该组织。
