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Salmon trout, the forgotten cousin?
Aquaculture Economics & Management ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-09 , DOI: 10.1080/13657305.2020.1857469
Ursula Landazuri-Tveteraas 1 , Atle Oglend 2 , Marie Steen 3 , Hans-Martin Straume 4

Abstract This study investigates potential economic reasons why the production of trout is maintained in Norway by analyzing prices and production for Norwegian Atlantic salmon and trout. The species Atlantic salmon dominates the global salmon market, but its two largest producers, Norway and Chile also farm in sea pens significant quantities of large rainbow trout (as opposed to portion-sized Rainbow trout farmed in freshwaters in other parts of the World, e.g., Iran, Peru, Turkey, and others). Suggesting that these trout have some attributes that make it a useful complement to Atlantic salmon. We investigate development in supply volumes of these species and conduct a cointegration analysis using monthly prices from 2000 to 2018. The results show that the markets for fresh and frozen rainbow trout are tightly integrated with fresh Atlantic salmon, and, where the latter is a price leader. This means that many consumers consider the two products as substitutes, with no clear preferences. There is no apparent productivity argument for the continued production of rainbow trout vis-à-vis Atlantic salmon. However, there may exist a fringe of consumers that prefer its characteristics, motivating firms to maintain its production as a means of diversification.



摘要 本研究通过分析挪威大西洋鲑鱼和鳟鱼的价格和产量,调查了挪威维持鳟鱼生产的潜在经济原因。大西洋鲑鱼种在全球鲑鱼市场上占主导地位,但其两个最大的生产国挪威和智利也在海围栏中养殖了大量的大型虹鳟鱼(与世界其他地区在淡水养殖的部分大小的虹鳟鱼相反,例如、伊朗、秘鲁、土耳其等)。表明这些鳟鱼具有一些特性,使其成为大西洋鲑鱼的有用补充。我们调查了这些物种供应量的发展,并使用 2000 年至 2018 年的月度价格进行了协整分析。结果表明,新鲜和冷冻虹鳟鱼市场与新鲜大西洋鲑鱼紧密结合,后者是价格领先者。这意味着许多消费者将这两种产品视为替代品,没有明确的偏好。与大西洋鲑鱼相比,虹鳟鱼的持续生产没有明显的生产力论据。然而,可能存在偏爱其特性的消费者边缘,这促使公司维持其生产作为多样化的手段。