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Water flow velocity influence the gonad maturation, glucose and energy levels of mud crab, Scylla olivacea
Aquaculture Reports ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aqrep.2022.101141
Victor Tosin Okomoda 1, 2 , Muhammad Taufik 1 , Hidayah Manan 1 , Adnan Amin Safwan 1 , Mohammad Nor Azra 1 , Mohd Nordin Abdul Rahman 3 , Shahrul Ismail 4 , Mhd Ikhwanuddin 1, 5 , Noor Azniza Mohd Noor 6 , Ambok Bolong Abol-Munafi 1, 7

Environmental factors affect the biological functions of aquaculture species both in the wild and in captivity. Therefore, optimization of the husbandry conditions under captivity can improve the production performance of an aquaculture species. In this study, the effect of water velocity on the glucose concentration, energy level of different body parts (i.e., hepatopancreas, gonad, muscle, and feces), and gonadal maturation of the Mud crab Scylla olivacea was evaluated. Immature crab samples of both sexes were collected from the Setiu Wetland and reared for 60 days in different water velocities (0, 20, 40, and 60 cm/s). The results of this study suggested that rearing the mud crab in 20 cm/s and 0 cm/s elicited the least stress as revealed by the glucose concentration of male and female crabs respectively when compared to other flow velocities. The trend of energy reserved in the hepatopancreas, and feces of both sexes however showed a significant decrease with the increasing flow velocity. A similar trend was also observed in the muscles of male S. olivacea. The energy in the muscle and gonad of the female mud crab on the other hand was higher in 20 cm/s and declining thereafter (with least recorded in 0 cm/s). This study also noticed that the 20 cm/s flow velocity advanced the stages of gonadal development (i.e., stages 3 and 4 for males and females respectively) of the crabs better than other flow velocities. It was therefore concluded that the 20 cm/s flow velocity is optimum to induce gonadal maturation and lessen the stress encountered by S. olivacea in captivity.



环境因素影响野生和圈养水产养殖物种的生物学功能。因此,优化圈养饲养条件可以提高水产养殖品种的生产性能。在这项研究中,水流速度对泥蟹的葡萄糖浓度、不同身体部位(即肝胰腺、性腺、肌肉和粪便)的能量水平以及性腺成熟的影响进行了评估。从 Setiu 湿地采集两性的未成熟螃蟹样本,并在不同的水速(0、20、40 和 60 cm/s)下饲养 60 天。这项研究的结果表明,与其他流速相比,雄性和雌性螃蟹的葡萄糖浓度分别显示,以 20 厘米/秒和 0 厘米/秒的速度饲养泥蟹引起的压力最小。然而,随着流速的增加,肝胰腺和两性粪便中的能量储备趋势显着降低。在雄性S. olivacea的肌肉中也观察到了类似的趋势. 另一方面,雌性泥蟹肌肉和性腺中的能量在 20 cm/s 时较高,此后下降(最少记录在 0 cm/s)。该研究还注意到,20 cm/s 流速比其他流速更好地推进了螃蟹的性腺发育阶段(即雄性和雌性分别为第 3 和第 4 阶段)。因此得出的结论是,20 cm/s 的流速对于诱导性腺成熟和减轻S. olivacea在圈养中遇到的压力是最佳的。
