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Globally, tree fecundity exceeds productivity gradients
Ecology Letters ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-23 , DOI: 10.1111/ele.14012
Valentin Journé 1 , Robert Andrus 2 , Marie-Claire Aravena 3 , Davide Ascoli 4 , Roberta Berretti 4 , Daniel Berveiller 5 , Michal Bogdziewicz 6 , Thomas Boivin 7 , Raul Bonal 8 , Thomas Caignard 9

Lack of tree fecundity data across climatic gradients precludes the analysis of how seed supply contributes to global variation in forest regeneration and biotic interactions responsible for biodiversity. A global synthesis of raw seedproduction data shows a 250-fold increase in seed abundance from cold-dry to warm-wet climates, driven primarily by a 100-fold increase in seed production for a given tree size. The modest (threefold) increase in forest productivity across the same climate gradient cannot explain the magnitudes of these trends. The increase in seeds per tree can arise from adaptive evolution driven by intense species interactions or from the direct effects of a warm, moist climate on tree fecundity. Either way, the massive differences in seed supply ramify through food webs potentially explaining a disproportionate role for species interactions in the wet tropics.



由于缺乏跨气候梯度的树木繁殖力数据,因此无法分析种子供应如何促进全球森林再生变化和生物多样性的生物相互作用。原始种子生产数据的全球综合显示,从寒冷干燥气候到温暖潮湿气候,种子丰度增加了 250 倍,这主要是由于给定树木大小的种子产量增加了 100 倍。在相同气候梯度下森林生产力的适度增长(三倍)无法解释这些趋势的幅度。每棵树种子的增加可能来自强烈的物种相互作用驱动的适应性进化,或者来自温暖潮湿的气候对树木繁殖力的直接影响。无论哪种方式,