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When the Good Object is also a Thief: A Memoir of Adoption
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-22 , DOI: 10.1177/00030651221084598
Jennifer Guittard

This contemporary Kleinian memoir explores the possible existence of an intrapsychic, adoption-specific preoedipal triad including child, birth mother, and adoptive mother that can shape the emerging mind. As an intrapsychic construct, the adoption triad comes to exist in the infantile mind, requiring that adoptees contend with four additional part-object maternal representations: a villain (bad birth mother), a victim (good birth mother), a rescuer (good adoptive other), and a thief (bad adoptive mother). The psychic complexities of this possible adoption triad are explored, with an eye to how it might illuminate the psychosocial challenges experienced by some adoptees, including dysregulated behavior, rage, dissociation, and shame. To this end, Bion’s ideas regarding presymbolic, nondefensive communication and Winnicott’s understanding of use of the object are invoked. Expanding the preoedipal paradigm of adoption to include the possibility of an intrapsychic, adoption-specific maternal triad can enhance our understanding of the psychology of adoption, as well as highlight the need to consider the ways in which internal objects can exist simultaneously in both dyadic and triadic paradigms.



这部当代克莱因回忆录探讨了可能存在的心理内的、特定于收养的前俄狄浦斯三合会,包括孩子、生母和养母,它可以塑造新兴的思想。作为一种心理结构,收养三元组开始存在于婴儿的头脑中,要求被收养者与四个额外的部分客体母性表征作斗争:恶棍(坏生母)、受害者(好生母)、救助者(好养母)其他)和小偷(坏养母)。探讨了这种可能的收养三合会的心理复杂性,着眼于它如何阐明一些被收养者所经历的心理社会挑战,包括行为失调、愤怒、分离和羞耻。为此,引用了 Bion 关于前符号、非防御性交流的想法和 Winnicott 对对象使用的理解。扩展收养的前俄狄浦斯范式以包括心理内的、收养特定的母性三合会的可能性,可以增强我们对收养心理学的理解,并强调需要考虑内部对象可以同时存在于二元和二元的方式。三元范式。
