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Does recruitment trigger negative density-dependent feedback loops in stream-dwelling salmonids?
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-14 , DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2021-0055
Javier Lobon-Cervia 1

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Ahead of Print.
I explored the hypothesis that recruitment may stabilize the numerical dynamics of stream-dwelling salmonids by triggering density-dependent feedback loops through the operation of recruitment dependence on individual growth, mortality, life span and maximum size and their effects on fecundity. I examined 98 cohorts of two Salmo trutta populations of northern Spain and a population of Jutland (Denmark) located 2400 km apart. Recruitment, growth, mortality, life span and maximum size were inter-related, were recruitment-dependent and described negative power trajectories. In the Spanish populations, faster-growing individuals of weakly recruited cohorts with lower mortality attain longer life span and larger size. Hence, larger females spawning more abundant, larger eggs that, in turn, induce stronger cohorts of higher spawners’ abundance, recruitment and mortality. The mortality patterns match the self-thinning patterns, an ultimate expression of competition. Significant relationships among self-thinning slopes and mortalities rates with increasing recruitment demonstrate that the rate at which density-driven mortality is higher, the stronger the intensity of intraspecific competition. Space-limited habitat and size-dependent resource availability underpinning site-specific carrying capacities suggest that interference competition is the primary mechanism underpinning population regulation.



我探讨了这样一个假设,即招募可以通过招募依赖于个体生长、死亡率、寿命和最大尺寸及其对繁殖力的影响来触发密度依赖性反馈循环,从而稳定河流栖息鲑鱼的数值动态。我检查了西班牙北部的两个 Salmo trutta 种群和相距 2400 公里的日德兰群岛(丹麦)种群的 98 个队列。招募、成长、死亡率、寿命和最大尺寸是相互关联的,依赖于招募并描述了负功率轨迹。在西班牙人群中,死亡率较低的弱招募人群中生长较快的个体获得了更长的寿命和更大的体型。因此,较大的雌性产卵量更大,卵子更大,反过来又会产生更强的产卵者群,招募和死亡率。死亡率模式与自我稀释模式相匹配,这是竞争的终极表现。自变薄斜率和死亡率之间的显着关系与增加的招募表明,密度驱动的死亡率越高,种内竞争的强度越强。空间有限的栖息地和大小依赖的资源可用性支撑特定地点的承载能力表明干扰竞争是支撑人口调节的主要机制。种内竞争的强度越强。空间有限的栖息地和大小依赖的资源可用性支撑特定地点的承载能力表明干扰竞争是支撑人口调节的主要机制。种内竞争的强度越强。空间有限的栖息地和大小依赖的资源可用性支撑特定地点的承载能力表明干扰竞争是支撑人口调节的主要机制。