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Impact of betaine and allicin against circulating oxidative and biochemical alterations induced by cadmium intoxication in common carp
Aquaculture Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-14 , DOI: 10.1111/are.15867
Davar Shahsavani 1 , Hassan Baghshani 2 , Kimiya Nourian 1

This work aimed to evaluate the antidotal role of allicin and/or betaine versus experimental Cd toxicity in terms of restoring Cd-provoked changes in the circulating oxidative biomarkers together with biochemical indices of tissue abnormalities in common carp. 150 healthy common carp were subdivided into five equal groups. Group 1 fish (control) was reared in normal freshwater. Fish in other groups were exposed to 5 mg/L cadmium chloride in water for 15 days. Group 3 fish received diet supplemented with betaine (30 mg/kg BW); Group 4 fish received diet supplemented with allicin (15 mg/kg BW) and in group 5, fish food was supplemented with both betaine and allicin. Cd exposure caused significant decline in circulating SOD, catalase, GSH and FRAP as well as a rise in MDA values. Plasma levels of ALT, GGT, ALP, glucose, urea and creatinine also showed significant increase in fish treated with cadmium compared with controls. However, allicin and/or betaine supplementation had been somewhat fortunate in recovering Cd-provoked shifts in the circulating oxidative biomarkers and biochemical indicators of tissue abnormalities in common carp which may be relevant to antioxidant properties of these compounds as well as metal-chelating and methyl-donating abilities of allicin and betaine respectively. Moreover, combination of allicin and betaine stands outs as the most effective approach upon Cd poisoning. However, explanation of the precise molecular mechanisms of their modulating effects against Cd poisoning as well as their optimal dosage in various exposure durations and toxicant concentrations requires further study.



这项工作旨在评估大蒜素和/或甜菜碱与实验性镉毒性的解毒作用,以恢复循环氧化生物标志物的镉引起的变化以及鲤鱼组织异常的生化指标。150条健康鲤鱼被分成5个相等的组。第 1 组鱼(对照)在正常淡水中饲养。其他组的鱼在水中暴露于 5 mg/L 氯化镉 15 天。第 3 组鱼接受了添加甜菜碱 (30 mg/kg BW) 的饲料;第 4 组鱼接受了补充有大蒜素 (15 mg/kg BW) 的饮食,第 5 组鱼食补充了甜菜碱和大蒜素。Cd 暴露导致循环 SOD、过氧化氢酶、GSH 和 FRAP 显着下降以及 MDA 值上升。ALT、GGT、ALP、葡萄糖的血浆水平,与对照组相比,用镉处理的鱼的尿素和肌酐也显着增加。然而,大蒜素和/或甜菜碱补充剂在恢复循环氧化生物标志物和普通鲤鱼组织异常的生化指标中的镉引起的变化方面有些幸运,这可能与这些化合物的抗氧化特性以及金属螯合和甲基有关-分别捐赠大蒜素和甜菜碱的能力。此外,大蒜素和甜菜碱的组合是镉中毒最有效的方法。然而,它们对 Cd 中毒的调节作用的精确分子机制以及它们在各种暴露持续时间和毒物浓度下的最佳剂量的解释需要进一步研究。