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What’s Different About Those Who Have Ceased Self-Injury? Comparison Between Current and Lifetime Nonsuicidal Self-Injury
Archives of Suicide Research ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-21 , DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2022.2064256
Haeun Kim , Ji-Won Hur



The current study aimed to investigate the sociodemographic and psychological variables as well as the function of NSSI related to the cessation of NSSI by analyzing the difference between those currently engaged in nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) and those who have stopped NSSI behaviors.


A total of 490 adults with a history of NSSI (359 females) were assigned to one of two groups: NSSI engagement within the last 12 months or “current NSSI” (n = 402) vs. no episode of NSSI in the previous 12 months or “lifetime NSSI” (n = 88).


There were no significant group differences in sex or socioeconomic status, while individuals with current NSSI were slightly younger than those who had ceased NSSI behavior. Regarding the functions of NSSI, the current NSSI group endorsed more intrapersonal functions. Moreover, the participants who had ceased NSSI behavior reported significantly less perceived stress, dysfunctional attitudes, alexithymia, emotion reactivity, and suicidal ideation. On the other hand, the lifetime NSSI group showed greater psychological resources such as self-esteem, distress tolerance, and resilience.


We revealed apparent differences in NSSI functions, clinical symptoms, and psychological resources depending on the maintenance and cessation of NSSI. This study highlights the need for a better understanding of the factors that stop as well as those that continue NSSI behaviors.


  • The lifetime NSSI group reported less intrapersonal NSSI functions.

  • The current NSSI group suffered from more clinical symptoms.

  • Individuals who ceased NSSI had more psychological resources.





目前的研究旨在通过分析目前从事非自杀性自伤 (NSSI) 和已停止 NSSI 行为的人之间的差异,调查社会人口学和心理变量以及 NSSI 与停止 NSSI 相关的功能。


共有 490 名有 NSSI 病史的成年人(359 名女性)被分配到两组中的一组:过去 12 个月内参与 NSSI 或“当前 NSSI”(n = 402)与过去 12 个月内没有发生 NSSI或“终生 NSSI”(n  = 88)。


在性别或社会经济地位方面没有显着的群体差异,而目前有 NSSI 行为的人比那些已经停止 NSSI 行为的人略年轻。关于NSSI的功能,目前的NSSI组认可了更多的内省功能。此外,已停止 NSSI 行为的参与者报告的感知压力、功能失调态度、述情障碍、情绪反应和自杀意念明显减少。另一方面,终生 NSSI 组表现出更强的心理资源,例如自尊、抗压能力和韧性。


我们揭示了 NSSI 功能、临床症状和心理资源的明显差异,这取决于 NSSI 的维持和停止。这项研究强调需要更好地了解停止和继续 NSSI 行为的因素。

  • 强调

  • 终生 NSSI 组报告的个人 NSSI 功能较少。

  • 目前的 NSSI 组患有更多的临床症状。

  • 停止 NSSI 的个体拥有更多的心理资源。
