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A Stakeholder-Informed Ethical Framework to Guide Implementation of Suicide Risk Prediction Models Derived from Electronic Health Records
Archives of Suicide Research ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-21 , DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2022.2064255
Bobbi Jo H. Yarborough , Scott P. Stumbo



Develop a stakeholder-informed ethical framework to provide practical guidance to health systems considering implementation of suicide risk prediction models.


In this multi-method study, patients and family members participating in formative focus groups (n = 4 focus groups, 23 participants), patient advisors, and a bioethics consultant collectively informed the development of a web-based survey; survey results (n = 1,357 respondents) and themes from interviews with stakeholders (patients, health system administrators, clinicians, suicide risk model developers, and a bioethicist) were used to draft the ethical framework.


Clinical, ethical, operational, and technical issues reiterated by multiple stakeholder groups and corresponding questions for risk prediction model adopters to consider prior to and during suicide risk model implementation are organized within six ethical principles in the resulting stakeholder-informed framework. Key themes include: patients’ rights to informed consent and choice to conceal or reveal risk (autonomy); appropriate application of risk models, data and model limitations and consequences including ambiguous risk predictors in opaque models (explainability); selecting actionable risk thresholds (beneficence, distributive justice); access to risk information and stigma (privacy); unanticipated harms (non-maleficence); and planning for expertise and resources to continuously audit models, monitor harms, and redress grievances (stewardship).


Enthusiasm for risk prediction in the context of suicide is understandable given the escalating suicide rate in the U.S. Attention to ethical and practical concerns in advance of automated suicide risk prediction model implementation may help avoid unnecessary harms that could thwart the promise of this innovation in suicide prevention.


  • Patients’ desire to consent/opt out of suicide risk prediction models.

  • Recursive ethical questioning should occur throughout risk model implementation.

  • Risk modeling resources are needed to continuously audit models and monitor harms.







在这项多方法研究中,参与形成性焦点小组( n = 4 个焦点小组,23 名参与者)的患者和家庭成员、患者顾问和生物伦理学顾问共同告知了一项基于网络的调查的制定;调查结果( n = 1,357 名受访者)和利益相关者(患者、卫生系统管理员、临床医生、自杀风险模型开发人员和生物伦理学家)访谈主题用于起草道德框架。





  •  强调

  • 患者同意/选择退出自杀风险预测模型的愿望。

  • 在风险模型实施的整个过程中应该出现递归的道德质疑。

  • 需要风险建模资源来持续审核模型和监控危害。
