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Exploring the impact of a gratitude-focused meditation on body dissatisfaction: Can a brief auditory gratitude intervention protect young women against exposure to the thin ideal?
Body Image ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2022.04.002
Erin Fraser 1 , Kaylee Misener 1 , Maya Libben 1

This study aimed to determine if a brief gratitude-focused meditation would significantly impact body dissatisfaction, and whether it would serve as a protective factor from exposure to thin idealized images in a sample of undergraduate women. 176 participants (Mage= 19.75) engaged in either a gratitude meditation, mindfulness meditation, or listened to a recording of a history textbook. Women were subsequently exposed to a set of neutral images or thin ideal images. Women reported significant decreases in state body dissatisfaction following all auditory conditions, regardless of auditory content. Decreased levels of body dissatisfaction persisted through exposure to neutral images, but not through exposure to thin ideal images. Results indicated that both the gratitude and mindfulness interventions were effective in eliciting a significant increase in self-reported levels of gratitude and mindfulness compared to controls. The results of the study suggest that auditory micro-interventions can decrease body dissatisfaction in young adult women. However, further investigation into the optimal modality, length, and frequency of micro-interventions aimed at buffering the negative effects of idealized thin image exposure on women is needed.



这项研究旨在确定简短的以感恩为中心的冥想是否会显着影响身体的不满,以及它是否可以作为保护因素,避免暴露在本科女性样本中的薄薄的理想化图像中。176名参与者(M年龄= 19.75)参与感恩冥想、正念冥想或听历史教科书的录音。女性随后被暴露在一组中性图像或纤细的理想图像中。女性报告称,无论听觉内容如何,​​在所有听觉条件下,国家机构的不满情绪都显着下降。通过暴露于中性图像,而不是通过暴露于薄的理想图像,身体不满意程度的降低持续存在。结果表明,与对照组相比,感恩和正念干预都有效地引起了自我报告的感恩和正念水平的显着提高。研究结果表明,听觉微干预可以减少年轻成年女性的身体不满。然而,进一步研究最佳方式、长度、
