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Tight quarters: ranging and feeding competition in a Colobus angolensis ruwenzorii multilevel society occupying a fragmented habitat
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s00265-022-03166-w
Julie A. Teichroeb 1 , Frances V. Adams 1 , Aleena Khwaja 1 , Samantha M. Stead 1 , Kirsta Stapelfeldt 2


Multilevel societies (MLSs) are present in several animal clades and our understanding of them is growing at a time with increasing habitat loss. The ways individuals in these complex societies respond to habitat restriction and fragmentation are unknown. We examined ranging and feeding competition in a Ruwenzori Angolan colobus MLS in a forest fragment at Nabugabo, Uganda. We analyzed GPS points collected over 2 years and scan samples collected over 10 months on 12 core units in one band to compare sex- and core unit-specific activity budgets and near-neighbor distances. The 95% home range size estimate of this band was 1.75 km2, much smaller than the ranges of similar-sized bands of primate MLS in continuous habitats. Day range length was also shorter. The colobus rarely utilized the matrix and over the two-year period core units’ home ranges overlapped by 93%. Indicators of scramble competition included more time spent feeding in larger core units, near-neighbors at greater distances when feeding relative to resting, and greater feeding for females compared to males. A quadratic relationship was found between core unit size and home range and core area size, where intermediate-sized units showed the smallest ranges. All units showed similarly tortuous paths; however, the smallest core units had the longest day range lengths and the fastest rates of travel. We conclude that while large core units suffer some food competition, small units may be displaced more in inter-unit contests because they appear to suffer the highest energetic costs searching for food within this constricted area.

Significance statement

Wildlife worldwide is faced with increasing habitat loss and fragmentation. How this impacts animals that live in large, complex societies (e.g., multilevel societies) is an important question to investigate for future conservation. We examined ranging behavior and food competition for a multilevel society of Rwenzori Angolan colobus monkeys (12 core units, 139 monkeys) in Uganda that occupies a relatively small forest fragment. We found scramble competition for food, especially in the largest core units. However, membership in the smallest core units seemed to be the most energetically costly. These units moved the most per day and the fastest, perhaps because they were unable to displace larger core units from food patches. Overall, this multilevel society occupied an area many times smaller than similar-sized primate multilevel societies in continuous habitat and moved far less, suggesting that fragmentation is constraining their range.




多级社会 (MLS) 存在于几个动物进化枝中,随着栖息地丧失的增加,我们对它们的理解也在不断增长。这些复杂社会中的个体对栖息地限制和破碎化的反应方式尚不清楚。我们在乌干达纳布加博的一片森林碎片中检查了 Ruwenzori 安哥拉疣猴 MLS 的测距和觅食竞争。我们分析了超过 2 年收集的 GPS 点,并扫描了在一个波段的 12 个核心单元上收集的超过 10 个月的样本,以比较特定于性别和核心单元的活动预算和近邻距离。该频带的 95% 归属范围大小估计为 1.75 km 2,远小于连续栖息地中类似大小的灵长类动物 MLS 带的范围。日射程长度也较短。colobus 很少使用矩阵,并且在两年期间核心单位的家庭范围重叠了 93%。争夺竞争的指标包括在较大的核心单元中花费更多的时间进食,相对于休息时进食时距离更远的近邻,以及与雄性相比,雌性的进食量更多。核心单元大小与家庭范围和核心区域大小之间存在二次关系,其中中等大小的单元显示最小范围。所有单位都表现出类似的曲折路径;然而,最小的核心单位具有最长的日射程长度和最快的旅行速度。我们的结论是,虽然大型核心单位遭受了一些食物竞争,


全世界的野生动物都面临着栖息地丧失和碎片化的日益严重。这如何影响生活在大型复杂社会(例如,多层次社会)中的动物,是未来保护研究的一个重要问题。我们研究了乌干达 Rwenzori 安哥拉疣猴(12 个核心单位,139 只猴子)的多层次社会的测距行为和食物竞争,该社会占据了相对较小的森林碎片。我们发现了争夺食物的竞争,尤其是在最大的核心单位中。然而,最小的核心单位的成员资格似乎是最耗费精力的。这些单位每天移动最多,速度最快,可能是因为它们无法从食物区转移更大的核心单位。总体,
