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Basin-scale distribution of salps and doliolids in the transition region of the North Pacific Ocean in summer: Drivers of bloom occurrence and effect on the pelagic ecosystem
Progress in Oceanography ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2022.102793
Nurul Huda Ahmad Ishak 1, 2, 3 , Kentaro Motoki 1 , Hiroomi Miyamoto 4 , Taiki Fuji 5 , Yukiko Taniuchi 6 , Shigeho Kakehi 7 , Hiroshi Kuroda 6 , Takashi Setou 5 , Kazutaka Takahashi 1

The large-scale distribution of thaliaceans in relation to environmental variables was investigated over 4500 km in the transition region of the North Pacific (36°N–43.6° N, 141.5° E–164.5° W) in the summer of 2016–2019. Three main patterns occurred in the thaliacean bloom formations with specific and annual variabilities. Thalia democratica, the most dominant thaliacean species in this region, formed an intensive bloom (>100 ind m−3) of up to 300 km, mainly south of the subarctic boundary between 160° E and 180°. The bloom was accompanied by a dense water mass which was associated with high nutrient concentration and N/P ratio, indicating that this species thrived under the influence of the HNLC water mass from the subarctic region. A Dolioletta gegenbauri bloom was observed east of 180° and the north of the subarctic boundary in association with higher chlorophyll a levels. Doliolum denticulatum and Doliolum nationalis increased with sea surface temperature and pico-sized chlorophyll a, suggesting adaptation to oligotrophic subtropical waters. Estimated grazing and downward flux by Thalia democratica bloom corresponded to 63–80% and 20–26% of daily primary production, respectively, indicating that the bloom enhanced the biological pump in the HNLC-like environment dominated by small phytoplankton. Doliolids function as important components of the microbial food web through the consumption of varied organic matter. Thaliaceans utilise the specific niche which suspension-feeding copepods find difficult to colonise, indicating that bottom-up control of oceanographic conditions determines the mesozooplankton community and food-web structure in the transition region.



2016-2019年夏季在北太平洋过渡区(36°N-43.6°N,141.5°E-164.5°W)研究了与环境变量相关的拟南芥大尺度分布。三种主要模式发生在具有特定和年度变化的thaliacean开花地层中。该地区最主要的拟南芥属拟南芥属物种,在160° E 和180° 之间的亚北极边界以南形成了长达300 公里的密集水华(>100 ind m -3水华伴随着密集的水团,与高养分浓度和N / P比相关,表明该物种在亚北极地区的HNLC水团的影响下茁壮成长。Dolioletta gegenbauri在 180° 以东和亚北极边界以北观察到水华与较高的叶绿素a水平有关。Doliolum denticulatumDoliolum nationalis随着海面温度和微微大小的叶绿素a 的增加而增加,表明它们适应了贫营养的亚热带水域。塔利亚民主估计的放牧和向下通量水华分别对应于每日初级产量的 63-80% 和 20-26%,表明水华增强了以小型浮游植物为主的类 HNLC 环境中的生物泵。Doliolids 通过消耗各种有机物质,成为微生物食物网的重要组成部分。Thaliaceans 利用悬浮摄食桡足类难以定殖的特定生态位,表明对海洋条件的自下而上控制决定了过渡地区的中型浮游生物群落和食物网结构。
