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Partisan-motivated sampling: Re-examining politically motivated reasoning across the information processing stream.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-14 , DOI: 10.1037/pspi0000375
Yrian Derreumaux 1 , Robin Bergh 1 , Brent L Hughes 1

The United States is increasingly politically polarized, fueling intergroup conflict and intensifying partisan biases in cognition and behavior. To date, research on intergroup bias has separately examined biases in how people search for information and how they interpret information. Here, we integrate these two perspectives to elucidate how partisan biases manifest across the information processing stream, beginning with (a) a biased selection of information, leading to (b) skewed samples of information that interact with (c) motivated interpretations to produce evaluative biases. Across three experiments and four internal meta-analyses, participants (N = 2,431) freely sampled information about ingroup and outgroup members or ingroup and outgroup political candidates until they felt confident to evaluate them. Across experiments, we reliably find that most participants begin sampling information from the ingroup, which was associated with individual differences in group-based motives, and that participants sampled overall more information from the ingroup. This sampling behavior, in turn, generates more variability in ingroup (relative to outgroup) experiences. We find that more variability in ingroup experiences predicted when participants decided to stop sampling and was associated with more biased evaluations. We further demonstrate that participants employ different sampling strategies over time when the ingroup is de facto worse-obfuscating Real Group Differences-and that participants selectively integrate their experiences into evaluations based on congeniality. The proposed framework extends classic findings in psychology by demonstrating how biases in sampling behavior interact with motivated interpretations to produce downstream evaluative biases and has implications for intergroup bias interventions. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).



美国在政治上越来越两极分化,助长了群体间的冲突,加剧了认知和行为上的党派偏见。迄今为止,关于群体间偏见的研究已经分别研究了人们如何搜索信息以及他们如何解释信息的偏见。在这里,我们整合这两种观点来阐明党派偏见如何在信息处理流中表现出来,从 (a) 有偏见的信息选择开始,导致 (b) 倾斜的信息样本与 (c) 动机解释相互作用以产生评估偏见。在三个实验和四个内部荟萃分析中,参与者 (N = 2,431) 自由地抽取了有关内群体和外群体成员或内群体和外群体政治候选人的信息,直到他们有信心评估它们。通过实验,我们可靠地发现,大多数参与者开始从内组中抽取信息,这与基于群体的动机的个体差异相关,并且参与者从内组中抽取了更多信息。反过来,这种抽样行为会在组内(相对于外组)体验中产生更多的可变性。我们发现,当参与者决定停止抽样时,组内经历的更多可变性可以预测,并且与更多有偏见的评估相关。我们进一步证明,当内群体事实上更糟——混淆了真实群体差异时,参与者随着时间的推移采用不同的抽样策略——并且参与者有选择地将他们的经验整合到基于相投性的评估中。所提出的框架通过展示抽样行为中的偏见如何与动机解释相互作用以产生下游评估偏见并对群体间偏见干预具有影响,从而扩展了心理学中的经典发现。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2022 APA,保留所有权利)。