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Secretory immunoglobulin A (s-IgA) reactivity to acute psychosocial stress in children and adolescents: The influence of pubertal development and history of maltreatment
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bbi.2022.04.010
Laia Marques-Feixa 1 , Águeda Castro-Quintas 1 , Helena Palma-Gudiel 2 , Soledad Romero 3 , Astrid Morer 3 , Marta Rapado-Castro 4 , María Martín 5 , Iñaki Zorrilla 6 , Hilario Blasco-Fontecilla 7 , Maite Ramírez 8 , María Mayoral 9 , Iría Mendez 10 , Nerea San Martín-Gonzalez 11 , María Rodrigo-Yanguas 12 , José Luis Monteserín-García 1 , Lourdes Fañanás 1 ,


Mucosal secretory immunoglobulin A (s-IgA) is an antibody protein-complex that plays a crucial role in immune first defense against infection. Although different immune biomarkers have been associated with stress-related psychopathology, s-IgA remains poorly studied, especially in youth.


The present study investigated how s-IgA behaves in front of acute psychosocial stress in children and adolescents, including possible variability associated with developmental stage and history of childhood maltreatment (CM).


94 children and adolescents from 7 to 17 years (54 with a current psychiatric diagnostic and 40 healthy controls) drawn from a larger Spanish study were explored (EPI-Young Stress Project). To assess biological reactivity, participants provided five saliva samples during an acute laboratory-based psychosocial stressor, the Trier Social Stress Test for Children (TSST-C). Samples were assayed for s-IgA, as well as for cortisol. Pubertal development was ascertained by Tanner stage and CM following TASSCV criteria.


We observed s-IgA fluctuations throughout the stressor, indicating the validity of TSST-C to stimulate s-IgA secretion (F(4,199) = 6.200, p <.001). Although s-IgA trajectories followed a reactivity and recovery pattern in adolescents, children exhibited no s-IgA response when faced with stress (F(4,197) = 3.406, p =.010). An interaction was found between s-IgA and CM (F(4,203) = 2.643, p =.035). Interestingly, an interaction between developmental stage, CM history and s-IgA reactivity was identified (F(12,343) = 2.036, p =.017); while children non-exposed to maltreatment exhibited no s-IgA changes to acute stress, children with a history of CM showed a similar response to adolescents, increasing their s-IgA levels after the psychosocial stressor.


Acute psychosocial stress stimulates s-IgA secretion, but only after puberty. However, children with a history of maltreatment exhibited a response resembling that of adolescents, suggesting an early maturation of the immune system. Further studies are needed to clarify the validity of s-IgA as an acute stress biomarker, including additional measures during stress exposure.


分泌型免疫球蛋白 A (s-IgA) 对儿童和青少年急性社会心理压力的反应:青春期发育和虐待史的影响


粘膜分泌性免疫球蛋白 A (s-IgA) 是一种抗体蛋白复合物,在免疫第一道防御感染中起关键作用。尽管不同的免疫生物标志物与压力相关的精神病理学有关,但对 s-IgA 的研究仍然很少,尤其是在年轻人中。


本研究调查了 s-IgA 在儿童和青少年急性心理社会压力面前的表现,包括与发育阶段和儿童虐待 (CM) 史相关的可能变异性。


探索了从一项更大的西班牙研究(EPI-Young Stress Project)中抽取的 7 至 17 岁的 94 名儿童和青少年(54 名具有当前的精神病诊断和 40 名健康对照)。为了评估生物反应性,参与者在基于实验室的急性心理社会压力源——儿童特里尔社会压力测试 (TSST-C) 期间提供了五个唾液样本。测定样品的 s-IgA 以及皮质醇。根据 TASSCV 标准,通过 Tanner 阶段和 CM 确定青春期发育。


我们观察到整个压力源的 s-IgA 波动,表明 TSST-C 刺激 s-IgA 分泌的有效性 (F(4,199) = 6.200, p <.001)。尽管 s-IgA 轨迹在青少年中遵循反应性和恢复模式,但儿童在面临压力时没有表现出 s-IgA 反应 (F(4,197) = 3.406, p =.010)。在 s-IgA 和 CM 之间发现了相互作用 (F(4,203) = 2.643, p =.035)。有趣的是,确定了发育阶段、CM 历史和 s-IgA 反应性之间的相互作用 (F(12,343) = 2.036, p =.017);虽然未遭受虐待的儿童没有表现出对急性压力的 s-IgA 变化,但有 CM 病史的儿童对青少年表现出类似的反应,在心理社会压力源后增加了他们的 s-IgA 水平。


急性社会心理压力会刺激 s-IgA 分泌,但仅限于青春期之后。然而,有虐待史的儿童表现出与青少年相似的反应,表明免疫系统提前成熟。需要进一步的研究来阐明 s-IgA 作为急性应激生物标志物的有效性,包括应激暴露期间的额外措施。
