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Minor effect of patient education for alcohol cessation intervention on outcomes after acute fracture surgery: a randomized trial of 70 patients.
Acta Orthopaedica ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-12 , DOI: 10.2340/17453674.2022.2482
Julie Weber Melchior Egholm 1 , Bolette Pedersen 2 , Kristian Oppedal 3 , Bjørn Lindegård Madsen 4 , Jes Bruun Lauritzen 5 , Mette Rasmussen 6 , Anders Helander 7 , Johanna Adami 8 , Hanne Tønnesen 9

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE High alcohol intake is associated with increased risk of postoperative complications. Alcohol cessation intervention is recommended prior to elective surgery. We investigated short- and long-term effects of perioperative intensive alcohol intervention in relation to acute ankle fracture surgery. PATIENTS AND METHODS 70 patients requiring ankle fracture surgery and consuming ≥ 21 drinks weekly (1 drink = 12 g ethanol) were randomized to a manual-based 6-week intensive standardized alcohol cessation program, the Gold Standard Program (GSP-A), or treatment as usual (TAU), on the day of operation. GSP-A included 5 personal meetings, patient education, and motivational and pharmacological support (alcohol withdrawal prophylaxis, B vitamins, and low-dose disulfiram). Complications requiring treatment were measured after 6 weeks and 1 year. Alcohol intake was validated by biomarkers. Quality of life (QoL) was measured by the SF-36. Hospital costs were obtained from the National Hospital Costs Register. RESULTS Postoperatively, complete alcohol cessation was higher in the GSP-A than in the TAU group (18/35 vs. 5/35, number needed to treat = 3, p ≤ 0.001), but not lowrisk consumption in the long term (10/35 vs. 7/33, p = 0.5). Number of complications in the short and long term (12/35 vs. 14/33, 16/35 vs. 18/33), the SF-36 score, or hospital costs in the short and long term (€6,294 vs. €8,024, €10,662 vs. €12,198), were similar between the groups. INTERPRETATION Despite an effect on alcohol cessation and a positive tendency as regards the other outcomes, the postoperative complications, QoL, and costs were similar. Better perioperative strategies for acute surgical patients with high alcohol intake therefore need to be developed.


患者戒酒干预教育对急性骨折手术后结果的轻微影响:70 名患者的随机试验。

背景和目的 大量饮酒与术后并发症风险增加有关。建议择期手术前戒酒干预。我们调查了围手术期强化酒精干预对急性踝关节骨折手术的短期和长期影响。患者和方法 70 名需要进行踝关节骨折手术且每周饮用 ≥ 21 杯酒(1 杯酒 = 12 克乙醇)的患者被随机分配到基于手册的 6 周强化标准化戒酒计划、黄金标准计划 (GSP-A) 或手术当天照常治疗 (TAU)。GSP-A 包括 5 次个人会议、患者教育以及激励和药物支持(戒酒预防、B 族维生素和低剂量双硫仑)。在 6 周和 1 年后测量需要治疗的并发症。酒精摄入量由生物标志物验证。生活质量 (QoL) 由 SF-36 测量。医院费用来自国家医院费用登记册。结果 术后,GSP-A 组的完全戒酒率高于 TAU 组(18/35 对 5/35,需要治疗的人数 = 3,p ≤ 0.001),但长期低风险饮酒并非如此(10 /35 与 7/33,p = 0.5)。短期和长期的并发症数量(12/35 vs. 14/33,16/35 vs. 18/33),SF-36 评分,或短期和长期的住院费用(€6,294 vs. € 8,024 欧元,10,662 欧元对 12,198 欧元),两组之间的数据相似。解释 尽管对戒酒有影响并且其他结果有积极趋势,但术后并发症、QoL、和成本相似。因此,需要为酒精摄入量高的急性手术患者制定更好的围手术期策略。