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Waif or hybrid? Observation records of rare coloration grouper in Djibouti
Environmental Biology of Fishes ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s10641-022-01253-5
Song He 1 , Alison L. Green 1 , Michael L. Berumen 1 , Melita A. Samoilys 2 , Youssouf Moussa Omar 3

We observed groupers with an unusual color pattern in Ghoubet-Al-Kharab Bay, Djibouti, on two occasions in 2014 and 2020. It matches the field observation of a juvenile Cephalopholis formosa in India in 1980. If this is the case, our observation represents a major range extension for C. formosa. Alternatively, based on the intermediate coloration of the specimens and sightings, we propose that they may be hybrids of C. formosa and C. oligosticta. We present two possible scenarios that may have facilitated hybridization: rarity and overlapping ranges in Djibouti with self-recruitment or rarity and overlapping ranges in another location (e.g., Socotra or the Arabian Sea) with long-distance larval dispersal to Djibouti. This hybridization is possible given the genetic similarity between the two putative parent species and because similar hybridization cases have been recorded within this genus and family elsewhere. However, both of these scenarios would require a range extension for one or both parent species as they are not previously known to overlap. Nevertheless, further field observations and genetic studies are required to verify the proposed identification of the putative hybrid and test the presented scenarios.



我们在 2014 年和 2020 年两次在吉布提的 Ghoubet-Al-Kharab 湾观察到具有不寻常颜色图案的石斑鱼。它与 1980 年在印度的幼体Cephalopholis formosa的实地观察相符。如果是这种情况,我们的观察代表C. formosa的主要范围扩展。或者,基于标本和目击的中间颜色,我们认为它们可能是C. formosaC. oligosticta 的杂种。我们提出了两种可能促进杂交的可能情景:吉布提的稀有和重叠范围与自我招募或在另一个地点(例如,索科特拉岛或阿拉伯海)的稀有和重叠范围与长距离幼虫扩散到吉布提。考虑到两个假定的亲本物种之间的遗传相似性,并且因为在其他地方该属和科中已经记录了类似的杂交案例,这种杂交是可能的。然而,这两种情况都需要扩大一个或两个亲本物种的范围,因为它们以前不知道重叠然而,需要进一步的实地观察和遗传研究来验证推定杂交种的拟议鉴定并测试所提出的情景
