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Between Flood and Drought: Environmental Racism, Settler Waterscapes, and Indigenous Water Justice in South America’s Chaco
Annals of the American Association of Geographers ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-11 , DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2022.2040351
Joel E. Correia 1

This article advances a novel approach to investigating geographies of settler colonialism and environmental justice through a critical physical geography (CPG) of water scarcity in the South American Chaco. Drawing from multimethod research conducted in collaboration with Enxet and Sanapaná communities in Paraguay, I evaluate how waterscape change produces social vulnerability with a focus on Indigenous access to safe drinking water. Stemming from a seemingly simple question—how have annual flood and drought events in the Chaco become malignant for Enxet and Sanapaná peoples—my analysis centers on current struggles for Indigenous rights amidst Paraguay’s booming ranching industry. I use an eclectic data set—from historical missionary accounts, seventy-two household questionnaires, mapping new waterscapes, and a political economy of cattle ranching—to show how settler waterscapes produce environmental racism by limiting Indigenous access to “good” water. I argue that the prevalence of water scarcity in Indigenous communities across the Bajo Chaco is not a natural result of biophysical geography but a socially produced outcome of how settler waterscapes rework hydrosocial relations along racial lines. CPG offers a way to bridge biophysical analysis with critical social theory to expand geographic understandings of settler colonialism and its effects on Indigenous environmental justice.



本文通过南美查科缺水的关键自然地理学 (CPG) 提出了一种研究定居者殖民主义和环境正义地理的新方法。借鉴与巴拉圭 Enxet 和 Sanapaná 社区合作进行的多方法研究,我评估了水景变化如何产生社会脆弱性,重点是土著获得安全饮用水。源于一个看似简单的问题——查科的年度洪水和干旱事件如何对 Enxet 和 Sanapaná 人民变得有害——我的分析集中在巴拉圭蓬勃发展的畜牧业中当前为土著权利而进行的斗争。我使用了一个不拘一格的数据集——来自历史传教士的记录、七十二份家庭问卷、绘制新的水景图、以及畜牧业的政治经济学——展示定居者的水景如何通过限制土著人获得“好”水来产生环境种族主义。我认为,巴霍查科土著社区普遍缺水不是生物物理地理学的自然结果,而是定居者水景如何根据种族重新塑造水文社会关系的社会结果。CPG 提供了一种将生物物理分析与批判性社会理论联系起来的方法,以扩大对定居者殖民主义及其对土著环境正义的影响的地理理解。我认为,巴霍查科土著社区普遍缺水不是生物物理地理学的自然结果,而是定居者水景如何根据种族重新塑造水文社会关系的社会产生的结果。CPG 提供了一种将生物物理分析与批判性社会理论联系起来的方法,以扩大对定居者殖民主义及其对土著环境正义的影响的地理理解。我认为,巴霍查科土著社区普遍缺水不是生物物理地理学的自然结果,而是定居者水景如何根据种族重新塑造水文社会关系的社会产生的结果。CPG 提供了一种将生物物理分析与批判性社会理论联系起来的方法,以扩大对定居者殖民主义及其对土著环境正义的影响的地理理解。
